Surprises 2

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"Is this the alley way?" Zoom asked with a huff as they passed through the streets.

"According to this, yes," Cobra nodded as he watched his tablet. "Glacier is just right about here,"

"Ah, here he is!" Chili pointed to the unconscious icy blue truck.

"Oh no…" Cobra hissed and set his tablet down. "Was he left here all weak?!"

"Be could be in a coma," Chili observed. "Either way, we need to get him to the hospital. Quick."

"Do we have to…?" Zoom whined.

"Yes, now come on," Cobra urged. "You can transform into a tow truck and tow him!"

"No way! I'm not wasting my breath—"

"Please!" Cobra begged, puppy eyes flashing up at the purple truck. "Pretty please, Zoom!"

Zoom glared down at the yellow truck, trying his hardest to resist the puppy eyes, but in the end, he gave in with a sigh.

"Fine, fine, but you owe me plenty,"

"Thank you, thank you!" Cobra cheered. "You're the best!"

"Yeah, yeah," Zoom grinned smugly, causing Chili to roll his eyes and growl. "I am, aren't I?"

'Don't be so cocky.' the red-gold truck huffed, watching the purple truck transform into a tow truck to tow Glacier.


"Are you okay, Crusher?" Blaze asked as they drove through the park.

"I… I guess I'm still worried with Dynama and all…" Crusher gave a shudder.

"With all the tips you have our friends, I'm sure they'll be fine!" AJ assured him.

"And with Pickle staying to keep an eye on the race, I'm sure that if things go wrong, he'll come get us in a second," Blaze added with a smile.

"I… I guess that's true…" Crusher sighed and nodded.

"Blaze! Crusher! AJ!"

The trio turned to see Flame, Phoenix and Sparkle waving over at them. They all smiled as they drove towards their family.

"Hey, brothers!" Sparkle greeted. "What took you all so long?"

"We had to meet up with the gang at the Monster Dome," Blaze answered before his face went grave. "There's… some bad news,"

"What is it, Blaze?" Phoenix asked.

"It's Mr. Calvin, Crusher's step-father," AJ replied with a hiss. "He's sponsoring a race…"

"And Dynama's IN that race!" Crusher blurted out with a shudder.

"Thats two bad news then," Calvin frowned.

"Are your friends gonna be okay?" Sparkle worriedly asked.

"Dont worry, Crusher's given them tips on how to not get hurt by Dynama's cheats, so everything will be fine," Blaze assured them. "Also Pickle stayed behind to keep an eye on the race,"

"Thats reassuring," Phoenix sighed in relief. "But what about Pickle? Will he be okay on his own?"

"Well, hopefully…" Crusher spoke but even he shuddered at the thought. "Oh no…"

"Hmm… maybe we should go make sure nothing bad happens to him?" AJ suggested.

"No, I… I trust Pickle on knowing how to protect himself if Mr. Calvin tries anything," Crusher told them with a gulp. "I… I'll call him later, though… just in case…"

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