Rage And Pain

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"Is everyone alright?" Gabby asked as they all gathered in Gabby's pit.

"We're fine, Gabby," Starla replied with a sigh. "Just upset that we weren't be able to at least finish the race,"

"Yeah," Stripes agreed. "and that dust tornado came out of nowhere!"

"I wonder how it even got here," Watts added.

"I know how!"

The group turned to see Blaze being helped by Cobra with AJ still looking dizzy as they drove into the pit. Darington gasped and drove over to them.

"Blaze! AJ! What happened?!"

"It was Zoom," Blaze sighed as Cobra helped him to Gabby. "He made me spin out of the track, just like how he made that dust tornado to spin you all out,"

"New racer hurt friends?" Zeg frowned. "That not nice,"

"I warned you all that his cheats were horrible," Cobra pointed out.

"But since we're all here, Zoom is going to win the race for sure!" Stripes whimpered.

"Nope, I took care of that," Cobra smiled to reassure them.

"You did?" Starla raised an eyebrow. "Who won then?"

"Hi hi hi hi hi!" A familiar laugh echoed through the place, and they turned to see Crusher holding the trophy.

"Crusher WON?!" the group's jaws dropped.

"Yep, he did," Cobra chuckled then he turned to the dark blue truck. "Congratulations, Crusher,"

"Thank you, thank you!" Crusher grinned. "And I won it all by myself!"

"Excuse me?" Cobra raised an eyebrow.

"..." Crusher groaned before grumbling. "Okay, okay, thank you for helping, Cobra,"

"Your welcome," Cobra gave a chuckle.

"Wow," Blaze's eyes widened. "when you said that you made sure that Zoom would NEVER win with that kind of cheat, you weren't kidding, Cobra,"

"He spun you out of control when he already had boosters to speed him up AND cheated against everyone else by throwing them with a dust tornado," Cobra pointed out. "He doesn't deserve any win,"

"But Crusher does?" Watts questioned. "Well, no offense,"

"Eh," Crusher shrugged it off.

"He hasn't cheated yes, so yes, he deserves it," Cobra nodded.

"Well, I'm just glad everyone's okay," Blaze smiled at everyone before turning to his rival. "And congratulations, Crusher!"

"Thank you, thank you--"


The purple truck's voice made the group jump and turn to see Zoom racing towards them, blood red eyes flashing in rage. Cobra felt his heart race in fear, already familiar with the other's rage as he backed up.

"Z-Zoom, I--"

Zoom doesn't give him time to speak. Immediately, he grabbed the yellow truck by the upper exhaust pipe and threw him to the wall with such a great force that the wall cracked when he crashed and the pipe came off. Everyone gasped.

"Zoom, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Blaze stepped forward to defend his friend.

"SHUT UP!" Zoom punched the red truck to the side.

"You're crazy!" Crusher yelled out, trying to back away.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Zoom snarled and grabbed the dark blue truck by the pipe as well before slamming him towards Cobra, sending them both down and breaking Crusher's exhaust pipe. "YOU BOTH TOOK THE WIN FROM ME!"

"You don't deserve the win!" Stripes yelled out.

"SHUT UP, TIGER BOY!" Zoom punched the tiger truck with a snarl.

"Stripes!" Blaze got up, even as AJ motioned him to stay down because of his dented side. "STOP HURTING MY FRIENDS!"

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Zoom turned and punched the red truck again, this time twice and out of the pit.

"BLAZE!" Darington rushed to his side.

"BLAZE!" the stunt truck turned to see Blaze's Family zoom to him.

"Darington, what happened?!" Sparkle cried out.


They turned to see Cobra and Crusher get thrown out of the pit, breaking and tilting their other pipes the moment they hit the ground. Blaze gasped and forced himself up, with some help from Darington as Zoom came out, looking madder than earlier.

"I... I don't know what your problem is, Zoom," the red truck hissed. "but what I DO know is what you're doing is wrong!"

"Oh, Blaze, you PATHETIC ass," Zoom scoffed. "I AM EVERYTHING WRONG!"

"Leave them alone!" Gabby cried as she came out with AJ, Watts, Starla and Zeg came of the pit, with Zeg helping Stripes to drive.

"We've got Officer Anna on speaker, if you do anything else!" AJ threatened, holding out his phone.

"Ugh, fine," Zoom hissed and turned away. "but I won't promise that I won't come back because I WILL,"

He hit Cobra and Crusher one last time before driving out of the Monster Dome. Blaze sighed in relief as the rest of the gang helped Cobra and Crusher up.

"Are you fellas okay?" Starla asked.

"No..." Crusher whimpered.

"Just... a few scratches," Cobra gave a nod. "N-Nothing that bad,"

"Nothing bad?! Both of you are missing exhaust pipes!" Watts cried out.

"WHAT?!" Crusher glanced up at himself and began to sob. "WAAAAAH!"

"Don't worry, Crusher, I'll fix you up," Gabby offered. "I'll fix you all up,"

"Thanks, Gabby," Blaze thanked with a smile.

"Better do it before Pickle gets here and sees Crusher," Darington shuddered.

"Oh god, I hope he doesn't get here yet," Starla hissed.

"DON'T SAY THAT, YOU'LL SUMMON HIM!" Stripes yelled out.

"Um, why don't we just focus on fixing ourselves up?" CObra suggested.

"Good idea," Gabby agreed. "Come on in, everyone!"

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