A Mother's Love

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"So, how was the double date?" Blaze asked as he went over to his half-younger brother.

"Stabby." Crusher chuckled, as did Glacier as they kept Speedrick and Pickle away from each other.

"Okay, Speedy, let's get to our room," Glacier suggested.

"THANK YOU!" Speedrick dashed off, causing the green truck to run and roar after him.


"I better make sure that they don't kill each other…" Glacier sighed. "Again…"

"Yikes, was it that bad?" AJ asked.

"Well, Glacier and I got to bond, that's a good thing," Crusher chuckled. "Oh, by the way, I'm starving, what's for dinner?"

"Weren't you suppose to have dinner in your double date?" Blaze teased.

"Well, when things get stabby and wild, it's hard to get dinner," Crusher shrugged.

"Well, Mom's making dinner right now--"

"Oh," Crusher's smile faltered. "Oh, I see…"

Blaze frowned. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just…" Crusher winced. "I'm still not sure if I can face Ms. Phoenix…"

"Oh…" Blaze nodded in understanding. "Hmm… maybe you can go out and get some ingredients for dinner instead? Mom did say she still needed some onions and potatoes,"

"Ooh, okay, I can do that," Crusher nodded and turned to drive off.

"Wait, Crusher, I didn't mean alone-- and he's gone," Blaze hissed, watching his brother zoom out of the house. "Uh oh…"

"Blaze, we need to go after him!" AJ cried.

"Yeah, I know," Blaze agreed with a nod before zooming off.


"Dynama!" Krisha snarled as she glanced around for her daughter. "Where could that pesky brat be…?"

She drove through the street, a growl with each drive. As she did, she heard a truck zoom nearby and turned to see Crusher enter the store. She smirked.

"Psh, who needs that brat? I can take down that pesky reject child of mine myself…"

She headed behind the store, waiting for the dark blue truck to come out. A few minutes later, Crusher exited the store with a bag of groceries.

"Perfect chance," Krisha cackled.

Her eyes glowed silver as she transformed into a giant grey dragon. She flew towards Crusher, who was oblivious to her presence until he heard a roar.


He turned around and screamed at the sight of the large dragon. He turned to flee, but just as he did, Krisha snatched him by the back, causing him to yell as he dropped his groceries.


"CRUSHER!" Blaze and AJ gasped as they watched their brother get taken away.

"GUYS, HELP ME PLEASE!" Crusher begged.

"We've got to save Crusher!" AJ cried out.

"You're right!" Blaze nodded. "Come on!"


"Flame, where's Blaze, AJ and Crusher?" Phoenix asked as she drove to the living room.

"Crushed went out for the ingredients you needed for dinner," Flame told him.

"BY HIMSELF?!" Phoenix yelled out.

"No, no! Blaze and AJ went after him," Flame assured her.

"That doesn't make me feel better…" Phoenix hissed. "All my baby boys are out THERE, all by themselves!"

"Alright, alright, maybe we should--"

A roar soon erupted through the air, causing the pair to jump in shock before they ran out of the apartment. They gasped as they found a giant silver dragon carrying a screaming Crusher while Blaze and AJ ran after them.


Phoenix's jaw dropped before turning to Flame with a glare. The yellow truck nervously chuckled.

"Okay, okay, they might NOT be COMPLETELY fine…"

"You THINK?!" Phoenix hissed and took out a sword. "Stay here, I'll go after my babies,"

She then dashed off as fast as she could to catch up with the dragon. She used a ramp and jumped up towards the back of the silver dragon, who snarled.


"GIVE ME BACK MY BABIES, KRISHA!" Phoenix yelled, causing Crusher, Blaze and AJ to turn to her in surprise.

"Mom?!" Blaze and AJ's jaws dropped.

"THIS BRAT ISN'T YOURS!" Krisha yelled out.

"Blood or not, he is MY CHILD! MY BABY!" Phoenix snarled. "NOW GIVE HIM BACK!"

Krisha shook her head and shot up, flying higher into the clouds. Phoenix sighed and raised her sword.

"Have it your way."

With that, she stabbed Krisha's back with the blade. This made Krisha screech in pain and let go of Crusher, who screamed as he fell.



Phoenix quickly transformed into a jet and flew down to catch the dark blue truck as fast she could. He was still screaming until he hit something with a thud. He peeked open as he found himself safely on a wing.


"I've got you, Crusher," Phoenix told her as she gently but quickly sped down. "I've got you,"

Crusher looked surprised but relieved as he was lowered down. The moment he reached the ground, he jumped down as Phoenix detransformed and turned to him with a smile.

"Crusher, are you okay? Did Krisha hurt you?"

Crusher glanced up at her, blinking in surprise before hugging her. Phoenix was taken back but smiled and hugged him back, patting his back.

"It's alright, now, you're safe,"

"D-Did you really mean what you said…?" Crusher asked, with a sniffle of tears. "A-About me being… being you son even when… even when I'm not really your child…?"

"Of course, Crusher," Phoenix nodded and kissed his forehead. "You'll always be my child,"

Crusher tightened his hug on her. Phoenix chuckled and held him as well. From nearby, Blaze and AJ watched their mom and their brother have their moment with a smile.

It was too beautiful to interrupt anyway.

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