The Twins' Hatred 3

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"Well, let's rest for tomorrow's plan," Krisha suggested.

"Good idea, Mom," Dynama smirked. "but I'll keep an eye out in case the goodie-goodies decided to spy on us,"

"Alright, but do not get so excited and kill them without us," Calvin told her. "We want our fun too,"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be in dragon mode," Dynama waved him off before heading out.

As soon as she was out, her eyes glowed purple before she transformed into her dragon form. She flew up into the sky with a roar.

From nearby, Libra narrowed her eyes at her reverse self. She sighed and handed the rope to Tundra.

"I'll chase her here, and you tie her up, got it?"

"I hate this, but fine," Tundra sighed and nodded.

"Thank you, bro-bro!" Libra ruffled his head before transforming into her own dragon form, flying after the other girl.

Dynama had felt someone following her as she flew. She glanced back and snarled at the sight of the other dragon following her.

"Who are you?! And why are you following me?!"

"The name is Libra, and I'm here to catch you!" the other dragon snarked.

"Catch me if you can, slow poke!" Dynama smirked and flew forward more.

Libra chuckled and exchanged a glance with Tundra, who nodded and drove ahead, twirling the rope in his tires. They waited until Dynama was about to turn the corner, and once she did, Tundra threw the lasso, the rope being wrapped around Dynama's neck before he pulled on it.

"ACK!" Dynama shrieked. "How DARE you?!"

"Fooled you!" Libra laughed and used her tail to knock the other onto the building.

Dynama screamed as she fell onto the building with a thud. Tundra held onto the rope tightly.

"I got her!"

"Tie her up!" Libra cried out.

"YOU'LL NEVER HAVE ME!" Dynama roared out, trying to break the rope.

"Goodnight, Dynama," Libra grinned and smacked her tail on her reverse self's head, knocking her out.


"Thank you for the dinner, Mr. And Ms. Dominion," Glacier spoke with a bow.

"Ha ha, it's only Mr. Flame and Ms. Phoenix, Glacier," Phoenix laughed.

"But really, thank you," Speedrick smiled. "I haven't had dinner this good in a while,"

"I thought you were rich," Crusher raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, rich but alone, so I usually microwave food from the fridge," Speedrick shrugged.

"Yikes, that's rough," Blaze hissed.

"How about you, Glacier?" AJ asked.

"Whatever the chef cooks, I suppose," Glacier replied.

"Sure beats trash food," Crusher darkly chuckled.

"True," Glacier nodded.

"WHAT?!" the rest of them looked horrified, even Pickle.

"You too, huh?" Crusher sighed, ignoring the outbursts.

"Yeah, since they don't have a proper trash can, my mouth is basically where all the trash goes," Glacier let out a sigh. "How do you even digest it all?"

"I swallow, I don't chew, so I don't taste it," Crusher told him.

"OKAY, BOYS, YOU TWO ARE EATING SOMETHING HEALTHY!" Phoenix got up and zipped off.

"Wow, your parents are monsters," Sparkle shuddered.

"Don't we know it," the icy blue truck and the dark blue truck snickered.


"Ugh…" Dynama groaned as she woke up in a warehouse, her tires chained to the wall. "Argh, dammit!"

"I'd rather not move, if I were you,"

She glanced up to see Libra and Tundra driving forward. She snarled.


"Libra, your reverse and much better self," Libra chuckled. "And this is my twin brother, Tundra, whom I actually treat as a person and not treat as a punching bag,"

"Hello," Tundra greeted with a small wave.

"Yuck, who needs brothers when we're strong, independent women who can do whatever they want," Dynama bragged with a huff.

"1) I can still do whatever I want AND have brothers at the same time," Libra numerated. "And 2) I can be as strong as I can, but I need help every once in a while, so your bragging won't really do anything,"

"Why do you even hate your brothers anyway?" Tundra questioned. "Especially Crusher. Why hate him?"

"Its DYNAMITE, AND IT'S HER!" Dynama yelled out. "And the reason I hate her is because she EXISTS! SHE'S ONLY HALF OF MY BLOOD!"

"Family is family, and you can't change that!" Libra yelled out.

"I hate her! I hate Glacier even! That… That traitor!" Dynama gritted her teeth. "First, I have Dynamite, who thinks that just because she's my so-called sister, she'll have the same rights as me! Then I have Glacier, who STOLE MY BOYFRIEND!"

"First of all, Crusher is a boy," Libra clarified. "Second of all, he never once thought he could have the same rights. He HOPED. And third, you never loved Speedrick. You only loved him for his money, and his money alone."

"Glacier and Speedrick love each other, deep in their hearts and beyond, and you can't do anything to stop them from loving each other," Tundra agreed with a nod.


"Oh, for hell's sake, shut up." Libra growled and punched her, hard, which knocked her out.

"Well, nice going," Tundra sighed. "Is this part of your plan?"

"Eh, plan-schman, at least she won't be a problem," Libra shrugged.

"…Of course that's your concern,"

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