Bonding Of Brothers

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A few days had passed by. Glacier and Crusher were slowly starting to bond whenever Pickle and/or Speedrick weren't there.

They talked about each other's problems, talked about each other's misunderstandings, even when they never realized it.

One day, they were out on a double date at the park. Speedrick had his tire around Glacier and was trying to stay away from Pickle, who was glaring daggers at him and growling as they drove.

"Pickle, calm," Crusher told him.

"Speedy, stop acting scared," Glacier told his lover. "You're gonna trigger him more,"

"Well, he's SCARY!" Speedrick defended. "I can't HELP it!"

"THAT'S IT!" Pickle took out his spiky bat with a snarl.

"GAAAAAAAHHHH!" Speedrick screamed as he dashed off, with the green truck following after with a roar.

Crusher sighed as he watched them run off out of the park. Glacier shook his head.

"Really can't get them to get along, can we?"

"Nope," Crusher face-palmed. "Wish we could,"

He drove off and made his way to a large tree. Glacier glanced over at him, following after him until they made it to the tree, which was so large that it's leaves hovered over them like a shade.

"What is this place…?"

"My… favourite alone place," Crusher sighed. "A place where I like to be when everything is just… too much,"

"Ah, like after you lose a race?" Glacier guessed.

"Yep," Crusher chuckled. "And a place I like to read and just… be alone, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," Glacier smiled. "I have a place like that back in Affluen-City, at the park. One of the trees there is where I lay back and ready your books,"

"Speaking of, how ARE my books?" Crusher asked. "They're doing fine, right?"

"Well, the family DID try to burn them," Glacier admitted. "but I saved them and hid them in a secret closet in my room,"

"Nice," Crusher smiled.

"Did you… want to read one of them?" Glacier hesitantly asked, taking out a book with a golden cover. "I saved your special one,"

"Wait, you mean…" Crusher's eyes widened. "Is that…?"

"The special book you wrote, yes," Glacier nodded and held it out. "You were do imaginative before,"

"Psh, yeah, I was, wasn't I?" Crusher chuckled and took the book. "Remember the part with the dragon?"

Glacier paused at the for a moment before letting out a sigh. Crusher frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Remember when mother mocked you for not having an element, like the rest of the family, to call as a power?"


"Well, I found out what you're power is," Glacier told him. "That's why I saved your book among all the books you had. You have power of creation,"

"Well, my inventions kinda gave it away," Crusher shrugged.

"No, no, I mean ACTUAL creation," Glacier gulped. "When you wrote down that in your fantasy, we could all turn into dragons, a few days later, Dynama found out how to,"

"No…" Crusher's eyes widened. "That… could just be a coincidence, right?"

"No," Glacier shook his head. "Everything you wrote down came true. You wrote that our business will triple, and it did. You wrote that you were going to be free from Mom and Dad, and it happened. You wrote down everything that happened, even after you left. That book was scared because YOU made it, and with it, you can take down Dynama or change her for the better,"

"Glacier, I… I can't just do that," Crusher stared at him in disbelief. "I… I don't even know about my magic abilities…"

"Okay, okay, good point," Glacier sighed. "Then how about let's train on that?"

"Hmm…" Crusher opened the book to an empty page. "Maybe we can… but wait, did you just say that we can turn into dragons too?"

"Yeah… oh," Glacier's eyes widened and grinned. "OH! I see. Well, we can also train on that, if you like, little brother?"

Crusher's eyes lit up at the honorific before beaming with a nod. "Yes, yes, YES! Let's do it!"


"My god, cucumber--!"

"CALL ME THAT ONE MORE TIME, AND I WILL STRANGLE YOU!" Pickle snarled as he pulled the other by the hair.

"Fine, FINE! PICKLE!" Speedrick hissed.

"Good! AND NEVER USE THE LORD'S NAME IN VAIN!" Pickle pulled on his hair one last time before letting go, sending him down. "Anyway, where did our dates go?"

"Probably chased them off, thanks to you and your psychotic behaviour," Speedrick grumbled, rubbing his hair.

"Oh, ha ha--"

A roar suddenly made them both jump as they turned to see two large dragons flying over them. They screamed and drove away, but each dragon grabbed them and set them down on their backs.

"GAAAAH! HEEEEELP!" Speedrick yelled.

The icy blue dragon sighed and licked his face affectionately, causing his hair to go up. Pickle snorted and glanced down to see the dark blue dragon glancing up at him. He blinked down, finding the pair of eyes familiar…


The dark blue dragon nodded and licked him affectionately as well. Pickle laughed and turned to Speedrick with a smirk.

"You idiot, Speedrick, it's Crusher and Glacier! They can turn into dragons!"

"They can?!" Speedrick looked shocked, glancing down at the dragon. "Glacy?!"

The dragon nodded before he and Crusher flew off into the sunset to continue their double date.

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