Spies And Allies

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A portal opened above the a building as two figures appeared from it. Tundra and Libra glanced around where they landed and found Calvin, Dynama and Krisha zooming through the streets. Libra took out her binoculars to take a closer look at the trio.

"Dynama was bad enough," she hissed. "Krisha is no better, and together, they can all be trouble,"

"What can we do, Libra?" Tundra asked.

"We need to keep an eye on them," Libra told them. "I'll keep an eye on them for now. Find Cobra and tell him what we're up to,"

"Got it," Tundra nodded and turned to jump off and find their little brother.


Glacier woke up with pain as he forced his eyes open. He groaned and slowly got up as he looked around.

"Where… Where am I…?"


Glacier turned to see Crusher standing over him. He was alarmed, jumping to get away when he was met with pain, causing him to hiss and slam down with a groan.


"Easy, easy, you just got healed," Crusher gently held him back.

"Wh-What do you want from me?!" Glacier demanded.

"Glacier, please calm down," Crusher told him. "And try not to move too much. You just got beaten up badly a week ago,"


"He's right, Glacy,"

Glacier turned to see Speedrick drive forward with everyone else. The white truck held his tire gently as the icy blue truck's face burnt.


"Yeah, Glacy, it's me," Speedrick smiled and held him close. "It's me, my Ice Prince,"

"What… What are you doing here…?" Glacier asked.

"Your Grammy called, said something bad happened to you," Speedrick frowned. "Dynama beat you up good,"

"Yeah…" Glacier sighed. "It's not like I can fight her, though. She… I'm not much of a fighter compared to her,"

"We found you there just now, and you were beat up a week ago," Cobra told them. "I think she left you for dead,"

"Not so surprised, knowing her…" Glacier sighed.

"Speedrick also told us what you guys did," Crusher said. "And it looks like you don't really need a reason to betray Dynama when you already did,"

"…" Glacier looked hesitant before sighing. "Let me guess; you want me to help you with Dynama?"

"I'm surprised that she hasn't figured you out already," Crusher chuckled. "She was always good at sniffing out traitors,"

"…she does know,"

"WHAT?!" Speedrick's jaw dropped.

"She does… that's why she hits me every chance she's got," Glacier winced. "It's hard to keep secrets from someone who is that observant,"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Speedrick frowned. "I could've gotten you out of that household,"

"You were badly involved as you were, I didn't want to risk you more," Glacier sighed.

"Huh, who would've thought that you were a soft boyfriend," Crusher teased.

"Sh-Shut up!" Glacier flushed red.

"Glacier, we can help you two get away from Dynama IF you help us too," Blaze offered.

"I'd take Blaze's deal, Glacy," Speedrick agreed. "He's a truck of his word,"

"Well…" Glacier sighed. "Well, if you trust him then I trust you with your trust in him, I guess…"

"Thats good to hear," Blaze beamed.

"Definitely good to hear,"

The group turned to see Tundra jump down from a building and land in front of the garage. Cobra beamed at the sigh of him.


"Hey, little brother," Tundra gave the yellow truck a hug. "How are you doing?"

"Fantastic!" Cobra grinned. "And what are you doing here? Worried much?"

"First, Zoom almost kills you. Now, Dynama is your enemy," Tundra deadpanned. "How can I NOT be worried?"

"Ha ha, good point," Cobra laughed and turned back to face them. "Guys, this is Tundra, my older brother and Glacier's reverse self,"

"You're my reverse self?" Glacier's eyes widened. "How?"

"Well, first of all, I'm as warm as frost, unlike you, who could be as cold as ice," Tundra chuckled.

"Hey! He can be warm!" Speedrick defended.

"Just because we're reverse doesn't mean we can't have similar personalities," Tundra clarified. "Like Blaze and Zoom. They are opposites, but can be very flushy when it comes to their crushes,"

"What?" Blaze blushed a bit, as did Zoom, but the purple truck gave a growl in addition.

"Anyway," Tundra cleared his throat. "I've got some news; Krisha is in the city,"


Crusher and Glacier's jaws dropped in horror as Speedrick stiffened. Flame hissed while Phoenix growled.

"What is SHE doing here?!" the woman demanded.

"To help Dynama and Calvin with their little schemes," Tundra huffed. "Libra is following them as we speak, any ideas on how to stop them, little bro?"

"My plan's ending is still being processed, so… I guess you should keep spying?" Cobra gave a nervous grin.

"On it," Tundra nodded and turned to drive away.

"Wait, what plan are you talking about, Cobra?" Stripes questioned.

"Erm…" Cobra chuckled. "He he, um, guys… I have… something I need to tell you…"

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