Scrapped And Injured

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The group drove over to see the magenta dragon roaring out and flying out of control. She burst out dark fire as she snarled.


"Uh oh…" Libra gulped.


"Dont you DARE get near my sister!" Tundra drove in front of her defendingly.

"FINE!" Dynama scoffed before her eyes caught sight of Cobra, causing her to smirk. "Then I'll get near your brother instead!"


The group gasped in horror as the dragon went after the yellow truck. Crusher quickly transformed and dashed after his psychotic sister, who grabbed Cobra and took off to the skies.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Cobra screamed as he was carried. "Oh, Come on!"

"Ready for a little ride, you PATHETIC WASTE?!" Dynama snarled.

"DYNAMA, PUT HIM DOWN!" Crusher roared out.

"Of you say so!" Dynama laughed mockingly as she tossed him down.

"NO!" Crusher tried to dash to get Cobra, but Dynama grabbed him first and kicked him towards a building.

"CRUSHER!" Glacier quickly transformed and flew up to help his brother.

"Wait for us!"

Blaze quickly constructed parts to turn him into a dragon, and with AJ in his driver's seat, took off into the sky. Both battled Dynama as Crusher shook his head and flew down to get Cobra.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Dynama snarled and blasted dark fire towards them.

The dark fire reached Crusher, causing the dark blue truck to shriek in pain as he was hit. Cobra gasped as he watched his reverse self fall to the ground.


Cobra attempted to reach him, but as he did, a tail swung and smacked him towards a building. Well, buildings, more specifically, moving towards each building through walls until he was knocked out.


Libra snarled and shifted her form into a dragon before flying up towards Dynama, knocking her off of the sky. Glacier and Blaze sighed in relief before they split up to check on their friends.

Glacier went down to his brother, helping the unconscious dragon up. Blaze went to check on Cobra, who looked scraped with dents all over.

"We need to get him and Crusher to the Garage fast," AJ told him.

"Yeah, you're right," Blaze agreed. "Come on,"


"They look bad. Really bad," Gabby hissed as she observed her two patients. "Crusher was burnt badly, and the crash took out his exhaust pipes. Cobra isn't any better. He's filled with scrapes and dents, plus his exhaust pipes are twisted up and nearly broken,"

"Oh, my baby!" Phoenix hugged the unconscious dark blue truck.

"Little brother…" Tundra hissed, hugging his brother tightly.

"Dynama has gone TOO FAR this time." Glacier scowled. "It's time to take matters into our own hands,"

"You're right," Blaze agreed. "Cobra had things under control until now. Chili, Zoom, do you know any part of Cobra's plan that could help?"

"Not that we know of, no," Chili shook his head. "All we know is that he wants be rid of Dynama,"

"So that's what we'll do!" Starla cried.

"How?" Darington asked.

"I have a plan," Chili offered. "but we're gonna have to do something that breaks your moral, Blaze, AJ,"

"Dynama just tried to kill MY brother AND my friend, I'll do anything to get back at her for what she did," Blaze told him.

"How much swords do we need for that plan?" Zoom asked. "I've got plenty,"

"I've got millions too!' Pickle offered.

"Good, we're gonna need all of it," Chili grinned.

"What exactly are you planning, Chili?" Stripes asked.

"Something deadly and bloody, who's in?"

"After what those bastards did to Crusher and Cobra? We all are," Flame spoke up.

"Then let the battle field be as red as blood itself."


"Dynama! There you are!" Krisha scowled at her daughter. "Where were you?!"

"Captured, but I got out and managed to knock out Cobra and Crusher," Dynama smirked. "And hopefully dying as we speak,"

"That's good to hear," Calvin smirked. "Now we can carry on with our plan…"

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