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"Okay, Cobra, we're in a more private place now," Blaze spoke as soon as they shut the garage door.

"Good," Cobra sighed in relief. "So are there any questions you would like to ask me about Zoom?"

"How did you both get here?" Gabby asked.

"Ah, okay," Cobra nodded. "You see, I had always been fascinated with alternate worlds and universes, so I wanted a way to explore them. I created a portal, a test one, of course, to ry to reach another world. Unfortunately, Zoom found out about my plans and wanted to use it to his own advantage. He tried to steal the portal, and we battled. He pushed a lever, and we both got stuck in this world,"

"Yikes, that's awful!" Stripes hissed.

"How long have you fellas been stuck here?" Starla asked.

"A week or two," Cobra admitted. "We bared each other for that long because we didn't know this world. We only realized what this world was when we found Gabby's Garage,"

"You guys KNOW that you're our opposites?" AJ asked.

"I did," Cobra replied. "I've been researching hard enough to find out that my world isn't the prime one. Yours isn't either, tho, but yours is based on the prime, like a fanfiction world,"

"Uh what?" Crusher was confused.

"Nothing..." Cobra murmured before sighing. "Anyway, yes, I already knew that you were all our opposites. Zoom realized too late, but when he found out, he... he took it to his advantage,"

"How?" Blaze asked.

Before Cobra coudl answer, there was a sudden boom coming from outside, causing everyone to jump in shock.

"What was that?!" Darington cried out.

"Sounds like trouble," Stripes said.

"And when there's trouble, there's Zoom," Cobra hissed.

They all drove out of the garage and gasped to see trucks running and screaming. They were all confused until something fell on the ground, causing an explosion and purple flames to erupt from the ground.

"What are those?!" Watts asked.

"Zoom's explosives!" Cobra let out a hiss. "We need to get the explosives before they reached the ground!"

"On it!" Blaze nodded.

The group spread out and did their best to catch the explosives. Starla used her lasso to get the explosive. Stripes and Zeg jumped out to reach out for them before they fell. As did Darington, AJ and Blaze and the rest of his family. Even Pickle helped out to reach it while Watts deactivated the explosives with her electric tires.

Only Crusher didn't help out, too freaked out to help as he dashed through the city, screaming and trying not to get hit. Cobra sighed as he watched his counterpart zoom off.

"Well, of course, this was to be expected..." he shook his head.


"Who was that?!" Darington cried out.

"Zoom." Cobra growled, turning to the park to see Zoom hold out the box of explosions.

"Zoom, stop this!" Blaze yelled out to his counterpart.

"Oh why shall I?" Zoom challenged with a smirk. "That's just no fun, Blaze, after all, would YOU stop if someone told YOU to stop being a hero?"

"At least HE'S not doing any harm!" Stripes pointed out.

"All your explosives are disabled!" Watts yelled, destroying the last of the explosives. "Surrender now!"

"Never!" Zoom tossed the box up, releasing more explosives.

Cobra sighed, the sun mark on his sides glowing red. The glow reached his chassis bag, making it glow red and releasing scraps. The scraps mashed together and created a magical bag, trapping the explosives and making it land beside Watts, who destroyed it with her electric tires immediately.

"NOW it's over!" Gabby sighed in relief.

"Zoom, please," Cobra drove forward. "can you stop this and truce with me until I get what we need to get home?"

"NO!" Zoom roared out, eyes glowing in rage. "I will NOT! I can find my own way back! ALL BY MYSELF!"

He took out a bomb and set it on the ground. The bomb exploded in a second, causing the park to explode. The group gasped as flames appeared from out of nowhere.

"We need to put out that fire!" AJ yelled.

"On it!" Blaze jumped and immediately transformed into a fire engine.

"I'll help you!" Cobra's chassis bag opened up once more, and out came a gigantic yellow and silver sprinkler.

Both sprayed water onto the fire to put it out. Phoenix, Flame and Sparkle transformed into fire engines themselves to help out while the others took out their buckets and tossed water onto the large fire.

As they did, they failed to spot Zoom escape the explosion. He smirked and drove off.

"Ha! What a bunch of fools!" he cackled before sighing. "But now, I'll need a different plan to take over this city... starting with softening up their so-called hero..."

He glanced around, trying to figure out how to carry on his plans. As he did, he heard a scream and an explosion nearby. He raised an eyebrow and turned a corner to see Crusher cowering at an alley way.

"Phew! At least the explosion missed me..."

Zoom chuckled at the dark blue truck's cowardness. He took out a bottle then he drove over to the other.

"Hey, lightning boy..."

"Huh?" Crusher turned and gulped to see the purple truck. "Z-Zoom...?!"

"Who else would it be?" Zoom sneered and took out the bottle. "Say goodnight, Crusher!"

He sprayed something out of the bottle, and Crusher hissed as the gas surrounded him and made him dizzy. He felt his head spin and his vision blacken before he was knocked out of consciousness.

"Perfect," Zoom threw away the bottle and took out a large sack. "Now I have the bait,"

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