Death And Life

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"They did it!" Glacier cheered.

"Yeah!" Speedrick grinned and held the other close. "I KNEW they could do it!"

"That felt a little… too easy…" Sparkle winced.

"Don't worry, Sparkle," Phoenix assured her. "On the bright side, they're all gone, and we don't have to worry about anything anymore,"

Flame agreed with a nod. Before he could say anything, however, there was a flat beep from behind them, causing their stomachs to drop.

The heart monitor.

They were both flat.

"Oh no…" they gasped in horror as they turned to see the monitors.


They zipped to their sides, tires trembling in fear. Only Glacier stayed as he shakily grabbed the walkie-talkie.

"B-Backup to Chili. This… This is Backup,"

{"I'm here, Glacier, what's the matter?"}

"I-It's Crusher and Cobra… they… their monitors went… went flat…"



"Crusher? Crusher, wake up,"

The dark blue truck groaned as he opened his eyes.

"Wh-Where am I…?"

"In an astral plain, as much as I am," Cobra replied as he gestured to their surroundings, which was dark blue and glowing with white stars.

"Wh-What?" Crusher looked around in shock. "Wh-Why are we here? What… What happened?"

"We… We died," Cobra sighed. "This… This isn't the first time that it happened to me, though, so I know how that feels,"

"What?!" Crusher's jaw dropped. "How did you manage to escape?"

[He didn't.]

"Father Death," Cobra winced and turned to find the large skull in a hood holding a scythe. "Good to see you again,"

[I would think that last time was your last death.] Father Death sighed. [You can't get third chances in life.]

"I… I know…" Cobra sighed. "but you can give Crusher his life back, right? He… He just got his family… and his brother… I… he deserves to live,"

[I suppose I can.] Father Death nodded.

"Wait, but what about you?" Crusher turned to Cobra with a frown. "You deserve to live too,"

"I… I lived my life already, helping you and all…" Cobra sighed and gave a sad smile.

"But I'm not living without you! What about Chili? Zoom? Libra and Tundra?! They're going to miss you,"

"Zoom? Highly unlikely," Cobra shook his head.

"No, Cobra, you're as blind as a bat to not realize how MUCH Zoom cares for you," Crusher chuckled. "He even yelled at Libra FOR you. He cares about you as much as Chili does, and I…" he held the other's tire and gave it a squeeze. "I would never allow myself to live without you either,"

Cobra's eyes widened in surprise before pulling the other into a hug, tears rolling down his cheeks as he began to break down. Crusher held him, returning the hug as they both began to break down.

Father Death sighed as he watched the scene. Before he could say anything, however, a voice interrupted him.

"Now, now, Death, don't be so cruel,"

"Sir Life, protector of all life," Death sighed and turned to a figure wearing gold and white Knight armour from head to toe, with flowers painted on the armour. "What are you doing here?"

"Doing my job, of course! As much as you are," Sir Life smiled and giggled.

"Cobra has passed me once. You can't escape me twice, you know," Death told him.

"Oh, but third time's the charm, right?" Life laughed.

"Life, don't make me change my mind."

"I'm not making you change your mind, I'm handing out a suggestion," Life sighed.

"Please, Father Death, don't take Cobra away just yet!" Crusher begged. "He's done so much good in redemption of all the evil he did in the past! He needs this chance!"

"You heard little Crushy here, Cobra needs a third chance!" Life agreed.

"Hmm… I don't know…" Death looked unsure as he frowned. "We can't keep doing this, you know,"

"Okay, uh…" Crusher thought for a while before sighing. "Okay. How about this; I promise that from now on, Cobra will take it easy AND NOT die for the fourth time. If he does, I… I'll give up my life too,"

"Crusher, NO, you can't do that!" Cobra opposed.

"Are you certain about this?" Death raised an eyebrow, even if it seems impossible since skeletons don't have eyebrows.

"Crusher, NO—!"

"Yes." Crusher nodded.

"Ha ha, and to think everyone thinks you villain," Life chuckled and patted Crusher's head. "You're more heroic than you look, young Crusher. And if you ever did anything heroic, you'd be dead!"

"Very well…" Death let out a groan and nodded. "I will give him a third chance… but do not forget this deal, both of you," He turned to Cobra. "You are nothing but a variant, but you seem to imprint and make a reputation for yourself, and you surprise me every day," He then turned to Crusher. "And you, you are one of the primes, but you're true colours show only towards the people who you care about. You impress me, young Crusher. You both do. I hope our paths never cross again… thought I humbly think that is not possible,"

He raised his scythe and swung it in the air, creating a rip in the astral plane. Life smiled and snapped his fingers, causing the rip to turn into a portal.

"There ya go, you two! Home sweet home,"

"Alright," Crusher nodded, gripping Cobra's tire. "Ready?"

Cobra grinned and nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be,"

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