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The family gasped to see Zoom smirking down at him. Blaze growled.

"Zoom!" he yelled. "What are you doing?!"

"Dont worry, my counterpart, your friends are fine…" Zoom cackled. "Just… captured, that's all,"

"Let Them GO!" AJ demanded.

"Yeah, what about… no," Zoom sneered. "I MAY let them go, however, if you give me what I want!"

"HE'LL NEVER GIVE UP HIS ENGINE!" Phoenix roared out.

"Then say goodbye to your friends!" Zoom laughed wickedly before dropping a smoke bomb and disappearing.

"We need to get our friends back!" Sparkle cried out.

"Not alone, we can't," Blaze shook his head. "We need more help,"

"But the only help we got left are Cobra and Crusher," Flame winced. "And I… I don't think Crusher's ready to face me just yet,"

"We don't have a choice, Dad," Blaze told his father. "They're the only ones who can help us,"

"Yeah," AJ agreed.

"I know, I know…" Flame sighed. "Let's go,"


"You doing okay, Crusher?"

"Leave me alone." Crusher growled.

"Okay, I'll take that as a no," Cobra sighed and drove forward.

"I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" Crusher yelled, turning to glare at the yellow truck.

"Look, Flame didn't know you existed either," Cobra tried to explain.

"Uh, that DOES NOT help, you know?" Crusher raised an eyebrow. "You actually made it sound WORSE,"

"Sorry," Cobra sighed. "It's just… I know that it's a lot to take in—"

"THAT is an understatement." Crusher hissed, shaking his head. "Too much to take in, no doubt,"

"Okay, I get it, but—"

"No, you DON'T get it," Crusher snarled. "Your parents FEARED you. Mine… they neglected me. Bet even HATED me… even my own blood father…"

"Can you even neglect when you don't know a child exists?" Cobra raised an eyebrow.

"Either way, it still FEELS like neglect," Crusher sighed and choked up on his tears. "I mean, for years, I… I thought that my real father neglected me because I exist… and I can see that he never even know I existed in the first place, and I… it HURTS, Cobra. It HURTS, and I…"

Cobra sighed as the dark blue truck collapsed into tears. He heard tire tracks behind him and turned to see the Blaze Family driving forward. Flame seemed to have heard every word and gulped, skidding to a stop.

The rest of the family looked concerned and worried, most likely because they heard every word, as they skidded to a stop beside the older yellow truck. Cobra wanted to tell them to leave, but he had a feeling that they were here for a bigger reason and patted the dark blue truck.

"Why don't you try telling that your father's face then?"

"What?" Crusher glanced up to see the Blaze Family. "Oh…"

"Hey, Crusher," Blaze drove forward with a smile. "Hey, Cobra. You two… doing okay?"

"Doing fine, not so much for Crusher," Cobra motioned to the other, who hissed and cleared his tears.

"What do you want?" he spat out.

Phoenix motioned for Flame to move forward. Flame gulped and nodded before driving forward to face him.

"Crusher, I—"

"I don't want to interrupt this moment, but… I will anyway!"

The group turned and gasped to see Zoom jump down from the building. They backed up to see him holding out his blaster.

"Zoom!" Cobra growled.

"The one, the only!" Zoom laughed mockingly. "You know, I hate family reunions, so I'll just interrupt this one!"

With that, he blasted the family, and everything went black.


"Dammit…" the red-gold truck glanced at his tablet with his lavender eyes full of concern. "Where did Cobra go…?

He tried to refresh the signal, but it was lost and couldn't be tracked. He growled and threw the tablet to the ground.

"No more waiting!" he yelled as he made his way to the portal's lever. "I'm sorry, Cobra, but I have to,"

He then pushed the lever, creatung a swirling portal of white in front of him. He took a deep breath as he glared into the portal.

"I swore to protect you, and I'm keeping that promise, or my name isn't Chili Pepperoni, the fire assassin."

With that, he entered the portal and disappeared.

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