Father And Child Talk

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"We should fix up whatever damage Zoom did to the city," Blaze suggested.

"Good idea," Cobra agreed as he and Chili dragged Zoom with the cuffs.

He turned to see Crusher dragging himself behind from the rest of the group, with Pickle holding up Gabby to let her fix his pipe. He then turned to see Flame glancing back at Crusher every now and again.

Cobra sighed. If he was ever gonna help Crusher, he needed to do this right.

"And that should do it!" Gabby smiled as the pipe was fixed.

"Thanks, Gabby…" Crusher gave a small smile.

"No problem," Gabby gave a nod as Pickle handed her back to Watts.

As soon as they were forward, Cobra have Zoom to Chili then he drove backwards and grabbed Flame. The older yellow truck jumped in surprise.


"GO make sure he's okay." Cobra motioned to Crusher, who was still dragging his tires down. "One rescue isn't gonna help him out,"

Flame sighed. "He needs more time,"

"I know, but you can always help speed it up," Cobra sighed and motioned him again. "He needs you now more than ever. He just got traumatized, more so than he had already gone through. He NEEDS a father to help him out, Flame,"

"I… he won't accept me," Flame shook his head. "And I can't force him to,"

"But you can ease him to," Cobra suggested. "Ease him to being your child. The rest is all up to him,"

"…Right," Flame nodded and turned to head over to the dark blue truck.

Meanwhile, Crusher felt the older yellow truck's presence near him and suddenly felt tense. He turned to Flame and gulped.

"O-Oh, it's you,"

"Yes…" Flame slowly nodded. "Are you… okay?"

"Erm, yeah, I… I'm okay," Crusher slowly nodded and turned, refusing to make eye contact. "I… I'm fine,"

"Good, good, that's good…" Flame took a deep breath. "Listen, Crusher, I… I'm sorry if I…"

"No," Crusher shook his head. "You never knew I existed. There's nothing to be sorry for,"

"I shouldn't have believed Krisha when she said that she killed you," Flame admitted with a sigh. "I should've known better. I… I could've saved you,"

"You already did," Crusher told him. "You already saved me from Zoom. That's… That's enough for me,"

"But I…" Flame sighed. "You know what I mean,"

"…it doesn't matter," Crusher deadpanned with a sigh. "Would you even take in half a child? No, let me rephrase that; would your family even take in half of blood?"

"Of course we would," Flame nodded with a smile. "Family is family, by blood, half, or not. It doesn't matter,"

"Yes, it does," Crusher tried not to breakdown, but his tears were coming anyway. "Mother… Glacier… Dynama… Calvin… they always said that as a half and a step, my status never mattered…"

"Well, what they are saying is all wrong, your status matters, no matter if you're full-blooded, half or none at all," Flame firmly spoke. "Krisha was a fool, as is her family,"

"I'm an ugly daughter and a terrible son." Crusher hissed, gritting his teeth. "If you saw me, I… you'd be disgusted, never wanting to take me in,"

"That is Krisha's voice in your head that's talking," Flame frowned. "I'm sure that isn't true,"

"How would you know?!" Crusher glared at him with a growl. "YOU WERE NEVER— ARGH!" He hissed and turned away, blinking away the tears threatening to roll down his cheeks. "Forget it,"

"Crusher, wait, please,"

Flame reached out for him. He managed to get his tire, causing the dark blue truck to stiffen but didn't struggle as he shut his eyes.

"What else do you want?"

"I… I know that I can't make you accept me as your father, I understand that," Flame began. "But… I want to clarify to you that in our family… you're always welcome. We'd accept you, no matter what. Just… Just think about it, please,"

Crusher didn't say anything yet. He took a deep breath and thought about it for a while, trying to think of what to say.

Should he take it?

Should he refuse?

What would happen if he did?

Would it make his life better? Easier? Harder?

He had no idea.

"I… I guess I'll think about it,"

"That's all I'm asking for," Flame smiled and let go of… the dark blue truck's tire.

From in front, Cobra sighed as he watched the father and son interact for what he would call the first time. Zoom glanced back too and scoffed.

"You think that it would be THAT easy to reunite a family?"

"At least he's trying, idiot!" Chili smacked the purple truck.

"Guys… now is not the time," Cobra let out a sigh and turned. "Come on, let's go catch up with the others,"


"Huh, this is a new development," A truck narrowed his eyes at the group as they passed where he sat.

"That traitor." the girl truck beside him snarled.

"Well, Flame IS his half—"

"HER half, yes, but it's still disgusting." the girl growled and took out her phone. "Time to ring Mother,"

"Can't we just ruin his life the normal way and torment and kill him?" the first truck whined.

"Ugh, fine." the girl groaned and rolled her eyes. "but when Mother asks, YOU are to blame,"

"R-Right," the first gulped and nodded.

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