Bloody Battlefield

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"They should be stable," Gabby spoke as she hooked up Crusher and Cobra to the heart monitors. "This should help us see if they're alive or not,"

"And here's the battle plan," Chili set down the plan.

"Yeesh, that's a lot of death and blood," Blaze hissed.

"It's my kind of plan," Pickle grinned.

"Mine too," Stripes smirked.

"Man, how much morals are we breaking today?" Darington sighed.

"Plenty, and I like it!" Starla cackled.

"Pickle, Stripes, Starla, you three are with me as the offense team," Chili told them. "Darington, Zeg, Watts and Gabby, defense team. Blaze and AJ, Libra, Tundra, Zoom will lead you for the back offense. Glacier, Speedrick, Phoenix, Flame and Sparkle, you all will stand by as backup,"

"Got it!" They all nodded.

"Good," Chili handed Glacier a Walkie talkie. "Glacier, use this. I trust you with this, okay? If we need back-up, we'll contact you,"

"Understood." Glacier nodded and grasped the walkie talkie.

"Zoom, I'm gonna trust you with this too," Chili handed Zoom a walkie-talkie. "I may not trust you, but Cobra does, and I trust him, so… yeah,"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," Zoom rolled his eyes. "Come on, team, listen to me, and only me. I know it's hard, but hey, like you have any choice,"

"Its a swift kill, but everyone be on the lookout," Chili told them. "Those three villains always have something planned,"


"Two down, more to go." Krisha smirked as she crossed out images of Crusher and Cobra from the image they took.

"Taking down the Blaze Family little by little wouldn't be so fun if we don't take down the rest of their little friends first," Dynama cackled. "Just IMAGINE their faces once one of them is murdered in front of the other!"

"Good plan, dear daughter!" Calvin sneered. "Now, we just need a more detailed plan to go with it…"

Suddenly, the door burst open, knowing the group back. They turned to see smoke appearing before they were able to see Chili, Pickle, Stripes and Starla, weapons out and ready. Chili led them as he held out a sword and a gun.

"You three villains better surrender!"

"We will NEVER surrender!" Krisha snarled, taking out a bat while Calvin took out a sword.

Dynama took out her guns and began to shoot at them. Pickle used his own missile launcher to battle against her. Stripes released his claws while Starla used her lasso to launch obstacles towards Krisha.

As they did, Darington, Zeg, Watts and Gabby drove forward to help. Watts and Gabby went in front of Starla, with the pink truck defending her girlfriend while the mechanic held out a blaster to shoot. Zeg went in defense of Stripes while Darington went in defense of Pickle.

As they battled, Chili clashed swords with Calvin, their blades clanging as they kept on fighting.

Meanwhile, Zoom led his group at the back, sneaking in as they held out their own weapons. Blaze stared at the sword in front of him before sighing.

"I can't believe I'll be killing someone with this…"

"Sensitive stomach, much?" Tundra teased with a chuckle.

"Tundra." Libra sighed.

"Dont worry, Blaze, I'm nervous too," AJ agreed.

"Well, now is not the time for stuff like that because WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE FIELD." Zoom pointed out with a growl as he took out his giant sword. "Kill now, scaredy faces later."

Witg that, he released a battle cry and zoomed towards the group. He swung his sword and slashed Calvin's pipe off. The dark indigo screamed in pain, but before he could do anything, Chili slashed his other pipe before they both stabbed their blades through the truck.



Krisha and Dynama gasped in horror as the other fell to the ground, bloody, oily and lifeless. The purple truck chuckled.

"Man, that was fun, wasn't it?"


The ebony black woman snarled and zoomed toward them, sword out and ready to kill. As she tried, Libra and Tundra came out of nowhere and stabbed through her, both swords bloody and oily as they did while she released a blood-curdling scream.

"Ah~ Music to my ears," Chili chuckled.

"We don't have any ears-" Darington pointed out. "Well, except for Stripes,"

"WE'RE NOT HAVING THIS!" Zoom screamed with a snarl.

"YOU MURDERERS!" Dynama yelled out, eyes turning full-on purple. "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO PERISH IN MY TIRES!"

"Dont think so, fella!" Starla grinned as she twirled her lasso and captured the other girl in her rope. "Blaze, NOW!"

Blaze hissed and swung his sword towards the girl. It was just about to reach her when he stopped.

"I… I can't!" he shook his head and dropped his sword. "My morals are too insistent!"

"It's okay, Blaze, I'll do it!" Pickle offered.

"Go ahead, Pickle!" AJ nodded and motioned him to Dynama.

Pickle jumped happily before he swung his own sword. He smirked down at her with a maniacal giggle.


With that, he swung his blade and it slashed her head, almost cutting it off until Pickle swung again and slashed it off completely. Zoom sighed.

"Wow, this feels so anti-climatic, the writer is getting lazy…"

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