Tale Of Cobra

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"I… I used to be different," Cobra admitted with a sigh. "I use to look exactly like Crusher, dark blue and lightning, as he used to look like me; yellow and sun,"

"You… used to be yellow, Crusher?" Blaze turned to the dark blue truck in surprise.

"…yes," Crusher nodded and turned away.

"You used to be dark blue and lightning?" Stripes repeated.

"Yes, I used to be," Cobra darkly chuckled. "My name used to be Inazuma, the most cruel and most powerful truck born in all of my world. I had the power of lightning and destruction. Everyone feared me, even my parents. I destroyed everything I touched, even if it was not my intention,"

"Yikes, that must have been horrible," Darington said.

"Not really," Cobra shrugged. "I… As a child, I let everyone fear me, and those who wouldn't obey me would die in my lightning. I… I was like a young tyrant,"

"What got you to change, Cobra?" AJ asked.

"Chili," Cobra chuckled, lightly blushing as he smiled. "Pickle's counterpart. He was actually tasked to kill me because I was too dangerous to be left alive, but he saw the good in me and helped me to change for the better,"

"Wait, he was tasked to kill you?" Stripes looked surprise.

"What was he? An assassin?" Starla asked.

"Yes, and he currently still is," Cobra replied with a nod. "He's a part-time bodyguard now, but yes, he is still an assassin,"

"How did you submit to him?" Flame asked.

"I wasn't so easily convinced, that's for sure," Cobra laughed. "I tried to kill him again and again for trying to oppose me, but…I took things too far, and I… I almost died myself,"

"I guess that humbled you, huh?" Sparkle guessed.

"It did," Cobra nodded. "It really, REALLY did. I got so scared that I… I feared my powers. I never wanted to use my magic ever again,"

"So what did you do?" Pickle questioned.

"I changed my look, kept in and humbled my magic to not let it go haywire again, and I became a new person," Cobra sighed in relief. "I changed for the best of the my world, and all the world's beyond," He then frowned and held out a tire. "But no matter how much I've changed, my magic remains the same; electric lightning… like yours is still the sun, Crusher,"

"I…" Crusher gulped as they all turned to him in surprise.

"Wait, you've got powers, Crusher?!" Darington's jaw dropped.

"Crusher been going easy on friends?!" Zeg looked just as shocked.

"Yes… and no," Crusher sighed. "I… I want nothing with my magic,"

"But despite what it seems, us Crushers have the one of the most powerful magical abilities in all of the worlds," Cobra told his other self, holding out his tire closer and allowing small bits of electricy shoot out. "We can't do much about it than learn how to control it,"

"But I… I can't," Crusher shook his head and turned away.

Cobra was heartbroken by the lack of submission for help but wasn't too surprised at the same time. Instead, he sighed and nodded.

"That's okay, I know how you feel," he told him. "I never thought I could control my magic either. They were all too chaotic. Lack of support from everyone doesn't really help either,"

"You don't have friends to help you out?" Phoenix asked.

"Nope, just me and Chili," Cobra sighed and shrugged. "No one else thought I could change, not even my family,"

"Aww, that's horrible!" Pickle cried out.

"Why didn't you give up?" Crusher asked him. "Is ONE friend really enough to let you go on?"

"I'd ask you the same thing, when Pickle's the only who's cheered you on for years," Cobra shot back with a grin.

"I… dammit," Crusher hissed in defeat.

"And I KNEW I could change if I put my mind to it," Cobra added. "And I did. For the better,"

"But that's where the difference comes between us," Crusher growled. "YOU changed for the better. I changed because of experience."

"I… yes, you have a point," Cobra sighed and nodded. "I admit that you do , but it's never too late to change for the better, you know,"

"Too late for me, I'm done with this day," Crusher grumbled before turning to leave. "Come on, Pickle, let's go,"

"Okay," Pickle sighed and followed after the dark blue truck.

"Sorry, Cobra, but even I can't get him to change," Blaze patted his shoulder.

"I KNOW he can change," Cobra declared. "I just need help on helping him,"

"We can help," Gabby offered.

"Thanks," Cobra smiled at the girl and the rest of the group. "All we need to do is ONE thing, but it's pretty tricky,"

"What do we need to do?" Stripes asked.

"Find Crusher's father,"

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