The Truth

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"And that... should... do it!" Gabby grinned as she finally reattached Crusher's pipe back. "There you go, Crusher! Good as new!"

"YIPPEE!" Crusher cheered as he twirled around in excitement. "I'm fixed! I'm fixed!"

"Yep, and so is everyone else," Gabby sighed in relief. "All except Cobra. Cobra, are you ready?"

"Thanks, Gabby, but I've got it," Cobra smiled as he used his wrench to fix his pipe back into place.

"You fixed yourself?" Blaze looked amazed.

"Well, I usually have my best friend Chili help me out, but right now, yeah, I did," Cobra nodded and kept his wrench.

"Wow, you must be used to Zoom hurtin' you, huh?" Starla said.

"Oh, more than used to it," Cobra admitted with a shrug. "So it's fine,"

"It's not fine!" Stripes frowned. "That guy's a bully! How are you friends with him?"

"I'm not," Cobra sighed. "We're not friends. We're rivals,"

"Okay, but why does it seem like he wants to have you dead?" AJ asked. "I mean, Crusher is Blaze's rival, but when not racing, he isn't THAT bad,"

"Hey!" Crusher huffed.

"Welp, there goes a reputation," Darington snorted.

"Zoom is different from Crusher," Cobra told them. "Zoom... he's like... he's the exact opposite of who... who Blaze is,"

"So Zoom real villain then?" Zeg gulped.

"What do you mean by exact opposite of who Blaze is?" Blaze's Mom Phoenix asked.

Cobra looked hesitant to answer as they all stared at him with anticipation. He gulped and glanced over at his tires before he let out a sigh and nodded.

"Alright, I'll tell you what I mean," he spoke, glancing around to make sure that no one hears them. "but you guys have to promise NOT to freak out,"

"O... kay...?" Blaze looked concerned but nodded anyway.

"Alright," Cobra took a deep breath. "I-"


The group turned to see Pickle dash towards the dark blue truck. He enveloped him into a tight hug.

"I heard you scream... and someone use the Lord's name in vain!" Pickle cried out, one glare at Starla, who gulped.

"Uh oh, beauty, hide me!" Starla hid behind the pink truck, who sighed and patted her gently.

"I'm fine, Pickle," Crusher assured him. "And... Cobra was just about to tell us something about Zoom,"

"The mean truck from earlier?" Pickle wondered. "Why? What did he do?"

"HE was the guy who hurt Crusher and Cobra, breaking their pipes off," Gabby told him.

"WHAT?!" Pickle snarled. "Where is he?! Where is he?!"

"Calm down, Pickle," Cobra gently told him. "He's gone now. May I speak now?"

"Go ahead, Cobra," Starla nodded.

"Okay," Cobra took a deep breath. "What I was about to say... is that I... Zoom... he's... he's the exact opposite of Blaze. As in... he IS the Reverse! Blaze,"

"WHAAAAAAAT?!?!" Everyone's jaws dropped in shock.

"HEY, you guys promised not to freak out!" Cobra frowned.

"Well, it's hard NOT TO!" Darington yelled.

"But now it makes sense," Blaze nodded. "How he acted... it was my exact opposite. He was fast, like me, with Blazing Speed--"

"His is actually called Zooming Speed," Cobra corrected.

"Right, Zooming Speed," Blaze gave a nod. "He had those, but he didn't act like me. He used it too much for his advantage and took down any other competition he had,"

"Wait a minute," AJ's eyes widened. "If ZOOM is Blaze's reverse self, then... Cobra, you said that YOU are Zoom's rival?"

"Yes, I am," Cobra nodded.

"Then that means... YOU'RE Crusher's reverse self???" Stripes yelled out.

"YOU ARE?!?!" Crusher screeched in disbelief.

Cobra sighed and nodded. "Yes, I am,"

"Woah..." the group looked amazed.

"I never thought I'd see a day where I see a nice Crusher," Starla commented. "No offense, Crusher,"

"That's... actually an offense, why would you say that?" Pickle pouted.

"Not much of an offense-"

"It is, Crusher, because I know you," Pickle interrupted the dark blue truck before he could say anything else.

"But when was he ever nice?!" Starla cried out.

"If you don't know then you don't know him well enough," Blaze told them off.

"Woah..." Sparkle glanced up at the yellow truck. "So you're Reverse! Crusher?! But you seem so nice!"

"Reverse DOES mean opposite," Gabby pointed out.

"Yeah... it does," Cobra nodded slowly.

"So, if Zoom is the opposite of Blaze, what would he be planning next?" Blaze's dad Flame asked.

"Vengeance," Cobra hissed and shook his head. "but maybe this pit isn't the safest to stay and talk. Too open,"

"Good call," Gabby agreed. "Let's head to my garage. It's more private there,"

"Good idea," Cobra nodded then they all headed out of the pit


"The garage, huh?" Zoom scoffed as he watched the group leave the pit from afar. "Do they REALLY think they can stop me from taking over Axle City and showing them all who's the best?"

He took out a remote from behind him and smirked. He pressed it, and out came boxes from the ground, all with the skull label on it. He cackled, red eyes gleaming dangerously.

"Well, what kills them would only makes me stronger, right?"

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