All's Well That Ends Well

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Blaze couldn't believe his eyes. Neither could Glacier. Neither could Tundra and Libra.

Neither could anyone.

A few minutes ago, they had been crying and mourning for Cobra and Crusher. A few minutes ago, the two had died, flatlined on the heart monitor.

And now, the heart monitor was up and running again, each beep acknowledging each beat of their hearts, much to their shock. Gabby had checked on them, made sure that what they were hearing to wasn't fake.

And a grunt and a groan proved that it wasn't.

"C-Crusher…? Cobra…?"

"Argh…" Crusher hissed as he got up with hiss. "What-"

"CRUSHER! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Pickle zoomed over and embraced him.

"CRUSHER!" Flame, Phoenix, Sparkle, AJ, Glacier, and Blaze joined in the embrace, squeezing the dark blue truck a little tightly.

"Ack!" Crusher yelped. "I… I wasn't gone for that long, was I?"

"You were dead! For like an hour, sure, but YOU WERE STILL DEAD!" Pickle cried.

"COBRA!" Zoom and Chili squeezed their comrade as tight as they could.

"Ack! Guys!" Cobra flushed red as he was hugged. "I need to BREATHE!"

"At least you're back, little brother," Tundra sighed in relief.

"How's Father Death doing?" Libra chuckled.

"Doing fine, he gave me a third and last chance to live, thanks to Sir Life," Cobra replied before turning to smile at Crusher. "And thanks to Crusher too,"

"I told you that you were going to be missed," Crusher let out a chuckle. "And you thought dying wasn't a bad option,"

"I was on my third chance already," Cobra sighed. "I… I didn't think you were able to convince Death to let me live again,"

"And maybe settle down this time?" Crusher teased. "Remember, when you die, I die,"

"WHAT?!" the group looked horrified.

"Its a long story," Crusher sighed.

"Lets just be glad that they're back," Speedrick pointed out.

"I sure am," Cobra giggled and kissed both Zoom and Chili.

"Don't scare us like that again," Glacier scolded, ruffling the dark blue truck's head.

"No promises!" Crusher giggled.

"Hey, what happened to Dyna, Krisha and Calvin?" Cobra asked. "Don't tell me you guys let them get away,"

"Dont worry, Cobra, they're long gone!" Starla assured him.

"Yep!" Stripes smirked. "Long gone and dead!"

"Isn't that a relief?" Crusher sighed and hugged Pickle.

"What a relief, indeed," Cobra nodded and smiled. "And what a great ending this is,"

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