Failed Trap

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"And that... should... do it!" Blaze sighed in relief as the last of the flames turned into smoke.

"We did it!" Phoenix cheered, the family jumping to transform them all back to normal.

"That was close," Pickle said.

"Yeah, it was," Darington agreed.

Cobra let out a sigh as his sprinkler disappeared into scraps, along with the bag. He then collapsed on the ground, exhuasted. Blaze turned to him with concern.

"Cobra? What's wrong?"

"Sorry, it's just... it's tiring to invent two strong machines in one day," he told him with a tired smile.

"Really?" Starla looked surprised. "Crusher doesn't seem to have trouble creating HIS robots,"

"His robots are easily destroyed, the machines I'M making aren't," Cobra pointed out. "These inventions we make with our chassis bags are linked to us. If his is easily destroyed then there's barely an effort he placed in it. And if it goes out of control, his motive lacks strength,"

"Oh, is that why Crusher's Auto Vac lost control?" Pickle wondered.

"Most likely, yes," Cobra nodded.

"But if it he used effort, his cheats would've been more powerful!" Stripes spoke up.

"Due to his lack of experience, he'd be too exhausted to continue racing anyway," Cobra told him with a pant. "Just like I am,"

"Will you be okay?" Sparkle asked.

"I'll be fine, don't worry," Cobra assured her, patting her head before picking herself up. "Are the explosives all gone?"

"All destroyed and disintegrated," Watts nodded, pointing to the ashes on the ground.

"That's good," Cobra smiled then he glanced around. "Oh no, where's Zoom?"

"Zoom escape!" Zeg gasped.

"We HAVE to find him!" Blaze declared. "Before he causes more trouble!"

"Wait, WHERE'S CRUSHER?!" Pickle looked around frantically.

"I saw his drive off in panic," Stripes scoffed. "Don't worry, Pickle,"

"We SHOULD worry," Cobra frowned. "Zoom's escaped, and Crusher's nowhere to be seen. And knowing Zoom, he'd take out his anger of me AT him,"

"Why would he do that?" Flame questioned. "Crusher doesn't act anything like you,"

"...I won't comment on that," Cobra grimaced. "but I WILL say that he WILL do that because Crusher looks just like me. He can be very bias,"

"That means we've gotta find Crusher before Zoom gets to him first!" Blaze concluded with a nod.

"Exactly!" Cobra grinned. "Pickle, can you track him down?"

"Wow, does my other self have trackers on everyone too?" Pickle asked, taking out a tablet.

"Wait, you have trackers on us?" Darington looked surprised.

"I have trackers on everyone, even on myself!" Pickle laughed.

"Yeah, Chili has trackers on everyone too," Cobra nodded to reply on the green truck's question.

"Wait, why do you have trackers on all of us???" Stripes questioned.

"In case of emergencies," Pickle shrugged, handing the tablet to Cobra. "I mean, I even lose MYSELF! Can you believe it?!" He began to giggle. "Like, I drive through a forest, but I forget what forest I am in, and-"

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