Sibling Trouble

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"Great job, Chili!" Zoom grumbled. "Thanks to you trying to act hero, WE DON'T HAVE A WAY HOME!"

"EXCUSE ME, WHO JUST TRIED TO KILL US?!" Chili roared out.

Cobra sighed and turned away to avoid the conflict. He glanced over at Crusher, who was still looking like he was lost in thought.

"You alright there, Crusher?"

"…Yes," Crusher sighed. "Just… I wanna ask you something while the others are busy trying to figure out how to get you guys home,"

"Lay it on me, I won't mind," Cobra smiled.

"It's just… do you have siblings like I do?" Crusher asked.

"Well… yes, I do," Cobra nodded. "Libra and Tundra. They… are pretty cool, honestly,"

"Lucky." Crusher huffed.

"Not really, I mean, they never liked me because of how villainous I was," Cobra shrugged. "In fact, they're the ones who hired Chili to bring me down. When he managed to make me reform, however, they were so shocked, they couldn't believe I was their brother,"

"Libra and Tundra, huh?" Crusher chuckled.

"Libra has the power of life and freedom, she's an opposite to Dynama, while Tundra has the power of frost, which is a lighter and warmer version of snow, which would make sense since he's the reverse of Glacier," Cobra explained.

"So… what happened after you reformed?"

"Libra gave me a chance and accepted me, still being cautious, of course," Cobra let out a chuckle. "Tundra… he… he was not very trusting. He spied on me, kept an eye on me, made sure I wouldn't kill a fly,"

"But he… did he try to kill you?" Crusher asked.

"No, he made sure I didn't kill," Cobra shook his head. "He warmed up to me eventually, though, why do you—"


The sound of the gunshot made everyone jump in shock. Even Zoom jumped up in horror at the sound.


"Uh oh…" Crusher shuddered.

"If you're saying that, then I think I know who's here and who's shooting," Cobra hissed.

"The shot was too close to Crusher," Blaze observed.

"You think?" Pickle gulped and cowered behind Crusher and Chili.

"That could mean only two people." Cobra let out another hiss.

"Who?" Sparkle asked before getting cut off by another gunshot. "GAH!"

"Take a guess!~"

The group looked up to see two trucks above on a building, one icy blue and another magenta as they each had a machine gun on each of their tires. Crusher gulped and hid behind Cobra, who gritted his teeth as Chili and Zoom took front.

"Hey! THAT'S MY LINE!" The purple truck yelled.

"Too bad! It's ours now!" Dynama cackled.

"Hello, Monster Machines!" Glacier smirked. "Mind if you all… step aside? We're trying to kill Crusher here,"

"Take one step close to him, and we're calling the police!" Flame yelled as they all stepped forward.

"Or Blaze and I can arrest you two right here, right now!" AJ cried out.

"Psh, police, police," Dynama rolled her eyes. "We don't give a damn about the police. We have licenses to get away anyway,"

"Or we can beat ya up right here and right now," Starla challenged, taking out her lasso.

"Pah-lease, you can't beat up assassins," Dynama huffed and aimed her gun again. "Now, step aside, and you won't get hurt."

"Over our dead bodies." Blaze growled.

"Yeah!" Darington agreed. "If you wanna get to him, you have to get through US first!"

"That's easy to do," Glacier chuckled and jumped off.

He landed on the ground with a thud, causing ice crystals to sprout out from the ground, moving towards the group at top speed, much to the group's shock. They yelped as they all jumped to get out of the ice crystals' way to not get hit. Crusher gasped as he backed up, only to get hit by the crystals.



Cobra zoomed over and released his lightning, shooting back the electric lightning towards the twins. Glacier gasped and yelped as he was knocked back. Dynama growled and dodged the lightning, landing beside her younger twin brother.


She sent dark magic zooming towards the yellow truck. As Cobra held out his tires to defend himself with a lightning shield, two swords went in front of him, penetrating the magic into the blades. The yellow truck gasped to see Chili and Zoom, who was surprisingly out of the cuffs, holding out their swords as they glared at the devil girl.

"Dont you DARE hurt him." Chili snarled.

"Only I get to hurt him because he's MY RIVAL, not YOURS." Zoom scowled.

"Psh, who the hell are you freaks, anyway?" Dynama huffed.

"We're people who aren't crazy and psychopathic." Chili let out a hiss.

"Leave us be, Dynama and Glacier!" Cobra yelled out. "Or else!"

"You think that we'll be afraid of you freaks?" Glacier huffed.

"YOU SHOULD BE!" Pickle roared out, sword out and ready to kill.

"Woah, take it easy, Pickle," Chili held his counterpart back. "Am I ever this demonic?"

"Don't make us answer that," Zoom smirked.

"Well, if we can't KILL THAT TRANS FREAK RIGHT NOW," Dynama took out a blaster from behind her. "we'll just do it when you asses are no longer there! MWUHAHAHAHAHA! SO LONG, SUCKERS!"

With that, she dropped the smoke bomb, and disappeared.

"What we do know?" Zeg asked.

"Yeah, those two would kill Crusher in his sleep!" Darington agreed with a shudder.

"Who's to say that they haven't done before…" Crusher murmured.

"We need to keep an eye on you, Crusher, and make sure they don't hurt you," Blaze declared.

"And how exactly are you planning to do that?" Crusher raised an eyebrow.

"You can always get bodyguards, or stay with people who you can trust," Cobra suggested. "Or—"

"I know what you're going to suggest, and I hate it already," Crusher growled.

"But it's a good suggestion," Zoom agreed with a shrug.

"As much as I don't trust Zoom, he's right," Chili sighed.

"What are you guys suggesting?" AJ asked.

"For Crusher to stay… with the Blaze Family," Cobra answered.

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