Bonus Chapter: Wedding Bells

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A/N: Hello there, guys! Check out the author's note at the end for an exciting announcement! Enjoy the chapter!


Everything happens for a reason, as someone once said. Bad does not always stay bad indefinitely; it eventually becomes good. Four years ago, I thought I would never be able to be truly happy again after the death of my parents, my only family. But I was mistaken. I'm glad I moved to New York. Even though the circumstances that brought me here were not pleasant, the outcome truly is. It's not so much the place that made me happy, but a certain group of people. They are now the colors of my life. They will now become my new family.

I turned around to face the full-length mirror, sighing contentedly. Happy brown eyes return my gaze. It's finally about to happen... I'm about to tie the knot!

My gaze travels around my face, pleased with my makeup artist's work. My eyelids were smudged with a shimmery golden eyeshadow, my lashes were fanned out with a few false lashes, and my lips were slathered in dark red lipstick. My brown hair was twisted into an intricate braided bun, and a thin floral crown sat atop my head. My ears were adorned with diamond studs, and my neck displayed the silver pendant Logan gave me four years ago when we first visited the wood house. The wedding dress was a pearl-white ball gown. It had a sweetheart neckline and long lace sleeves. Small petals of flowers are clustered all around the dress. Many times, it still seems surreal to me that I'm standing here in my wedding dress, about to embark on a new life. I've been in situations where I thought it was my last few minutes in this world, but here I am. Here we're.

A knock on the door interrupted my train of thought, and I turned around to see Scarlet standing near the door's threshold. Her hair was falling down her shoulders and she was dressed in a silver pleated gown.

"You look beautiful," Scarlet said, her smile as wide as mine, if not wider. "I'm sure Logan won't be able to take his eyes off you," she says, and I blush shyly.

"Thank you." I say before returning to put on my satin peep toe wedding heels with pearl flowers.

"At long last, my best friend is getting married." Her eyes welled up, causing me to become emotional as well.

"Come here," I said after finally standing on my heels, opening my arms for her, and she rushed to embrace me. We hugged tightly, putting all of our emotions into that one hug.

"You deserve nothing but the best, Karolia," she said into my ear. "I'm so happy for you,"

"We're both lucky to have those two amazing men in our life," I said and she nodded.

"Indeed we are," she said as she pulled back from the hug. "All right, enough of this emotional drama," she said with a chuckle. Scarlet secured my flower crown before assisting me in putting on my veil. It does not cover my face but rather flows lengthily to the back end of my gown and spreads along with my dress.

Our gazes met in the mirror, and we exchanged smiles, both of us thinking about our friendship. Our friendship, like the majority of others, had ups and downs along the way, but we always found each other. Our bond grew stronger over time as we supported each other through thick and thin. We're inseparable and will be until the day we die.

Instantly, Scarlet's face changes into a mix of excitement and hunger. "Is there French pie on the menu?"

I cock my brow and slowly shake my head. "No..." the glee in her eyes fades and she scowls. "But there are macarons..." her eyes immediately lit up. "...croquembouche, the chocolaty one in fact..." her eyes widened. "...and many more mouthwatering dishes," I added with a knowing smile. Scarlet's face lit up like a Christmas tree, and I could almost see stars in her eyes as she pondered the tasty desserts. I have noticed this side of her a lot recently especially during our time with the wedding preparations. I noticed all her mood changes and the way he gets tired really fast. I had made a mental note to ask her about it but I guess it slipped my mind among my busy schedule.

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