27. A phase

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"Ahem...Sorry for the interruption" Upon hearing Grecia's familiar voice, we quickly pushed each other away as if we burn each other and looked at the person in front with widened eyes. My heart was still hammering against my ribs but now a lot faster. This feeling, feeling of getting caught doing something horrible (not like when someone found we stole a cookie) is an unfamiliar thing to me and it's not something good.

I stared at Grecia as if I had seen a ghost. My voice got stuck in my throat as I stared at her unreadable face. She was dressed in a knee-length petal pink summer dress and matching heels, her hair drawn into a messy bun. Logan's face looked nonchalant as usual, but the way he is speechless tells he is also in shock.

"Grecia, W-What a surprise. It's so good t-to see you a-again." I mentally slapped myself as I stuttered. I stood there awkwardly as she kept glancing between me and Logan simultaneously.

"Well, the surprise is to me," she said astounded." It seems like a lot has happened when I was gone" She said with a pointed look at Logan. I notice Logan scratch the back of his neck and the faint pink tone crawling to his face.

"I-It's not what you think. I can explain" I don't want her to think that I was trying to hook up with her son. Why do I feel it was like a déjà vu. But here instead of Scarlet and her ex, it's Watsons.

I saw Grecia smirk at how I was stumbling with words. "Sure, go on" she crossed her arms and stared at us. I blink at her repeatedly, not knowing what to say. Screw me for saying 'I can explain'. Explain what? When I was going to my room, I was slammed to a wall by your son and out of blue, we were smooching like there is no tomorrow! Nope, that sounds vulgar and inappropriate.

"Uh, Mom, we-" Logan was about to talk when Grecia interrupted him.

"And you, mister" she narrowed her eyes at Logan. "That's not how I taught you to treat a girl. I have always told you to be gentle, Logan, not aggressive like you behave to your staff" Grecia reprimanded him in a strict tone. I saw how Logan closed his mouth at once after that. So she saw everything. Please ground, swallow me at once!

"I think she likes it rough." I choke on my saliva as I hear Logan mutter that under his breath. I gave him a sidelong glare, ready to kick him in his balls if chance given. But I'm glad Grecia didn't hear that one. Oh my god, this is embarrassing.

"Do you both want me to give you a mom talk, now?" Grecia teased to which I swallowed heavily and timidly shake my head.

"Oh come on mom" I look at Logan in surprise. It seems like he passed the shock phase and is back to the usual self. Grecia raised her eyebrows at him.

"Just let it go alright," Logan said, bending down to pick his suitcase from the floor which I didn't realize was lying there until now.

Grecia let out a heavy sigh "I hope that you both know what you are doing. You both are important to me" my heart melted at her words "So I won't be happy if I see either of you disheartened. So think through this and when you are sure then let me know" She said in a stern voice and I immediately understood what she was referring to. Honestly speaking even I don't know what is happening with the two of us and I need to talk it out with him about it.

To say it was awkward is the least way to put it. After the little talk, we had I just rushed to my room to escape from the embarrassment I was feeling. I wanted to talk to her and give her a tight hug but I don't think it was ideal when she just saw her son have a heated moment with a girl. Grecia is someone who I respect the most and I would never want to disappoint her.

Thinking about the kiss alone made my legs wobbly. I have never experienced anything like that and it took my breath away when Logan did that. I certainly got off guard. But it still didn't make sense why he did it. I closed my eyes as I felt a shiver run down my spine at the thought of the kiss, my lips still tingling.

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