40. Enamoured

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"Heads up!" I heard Logan shout at me before I saw a piece of cake charging towards me. Even though it only took two seconds, I felt like it took a minute as if it's coming in slow motion, but my reflex wasn't working as I stood on the ground frozen with widened eyes. SPLASH! The creamy substance hit my forehead before it slid down from my face to the floor. I closed my eyes, gritting my teeth in anger as Logan's loud laughter filled the entire kitchen.

Wiping the frost off my eyes, I glared at Watson who was bent over and laughing his ass off. Taking that opportunity, I took an egg from the egg carton and walked two steps up to him before cracking it onto his hair. Now the tables are turned. I was laughing at him as the slimy egg fell from his head down onto the side of his face whilst Logan was glaring at me. But I noticed his surprised look transforming into a well known mischievous one. My eyes widened when I saw him eyeing the bowl of flour on the countertop.

"No, No" I warned him as I took steps backward. "You threw a cake at me and I was only making it even by cracking the egg on your hair, which is, in fact, good for hair, you know for smoothening and all," I said quickly, trying to get him out of his thoughts. Logan chuckled humorlessly.

"Is that so? I also heard flour is good for your hair as well" he said cheekily. That's an All-purpose flour for God's sake!

"That's only gram flour-" I screamed loudly when he took the bowl and ran after me. I quickly rounded to reach the other side of the counter so that we were facing each other with the kitchen counter between us.

Logan's eyes shone with mirth as I gave him a deathly glare. "You know I will get to you" he smirks at me. Confident Bastard!

"I won't talk to you if you do this, like EVER" I threatened him but it was in vain as his smirk only grew wider.

"I know how to make you talk" he answers confidently and I grit my teeth in annoyance.

"Then I won't let you kiss me" I again try with futile threats. Logan raised his eyebrows as he moved side to side along with my movement.

"I don't need your permissions now. Remember, I'm your boyfriend" He stated as a matter of fact.

"That's considered ungentlemanly," I said and he shrugs his broad shoulder.

"I don't care," then in a split second, he rushed towards my side even before my brain could process it. I screamed again and tried to run away, but his one arm wrapped around my stomach and pulled me into his chest. Locking me in his strong hold, he poured all the dry flour onto my hair, ignoring my pleadings and screaming.

I thrashed in his arms like a child, trying to get away from this caveman but all my attempts were in nugatory until I heard the loud groan from Logan followed by him loosening his grip on me. Guess I head-butted him pretty hard on his forehead. I took that as a chance to escape from his hold and run a few feet away before I turned to check him. I frowned when I saw how tightly he was rubbing his forehead with his scrunched face. The displeasure was clear on his face.

"You alright?" I asked timidly but all I got in return was his groan. I took small steps towards him, skeptical about his reaction. I mean he's a fighter, so he might have received much worse blows or experienced even worse pain than this simple accident.

"It's hurting" Logan groaned up and he clutched his head with his hands. "Oh lord, I'm feeling dizzy"

With an erratic heartbeat, I quickly rushed to his side and held his cheeks in my hands, trying to examine his forehead. "Log, are you alright?"

In a split second, Logan's arm circled around my body and pulled me into his chest. I gasped as I realized he tricked me. I should've listened to my gut feeling and ran away, damn it!

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