22. Rescue

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Logan's POV:

I stare at the old beaten wooden door in front of me, the edges cracked and rusty. The birds went round in the air, breaking the silence of this deserted place. In 2013, Rosche's rail yard was closed down due to a construction defect which resulted in several injuries and some death. Since then, no one has bothered to reconstruct the place and now this is the main area where some of the unlicensed activities take place.

Tightly gripping my suitcase, I stepped back and kicked the door repeatedly until it finally gave away, landing on the ground with a loud thud. The dust particles flew all around me as I stepped on the fallen door, entering the house. The small passage was dark with an awful smell and burned cigarettes loitering the dirty floor.

Footsteps echoed through the crumbling walls before someone came into my view. The person looked surprised to see me and he checked his phone and stared at me for a second like confirming something.

"Confirm, Sir. It's him" The guy spoke on the earpiece that he had on his left ear. I believe Herbert must have predicted that it will be me.

The person raised his revolver and instructed me to raise my hands. I kept the suitcase on the floor and raised my hands in surrender. With one hand holding the pistol, he ran his other hand through my upper abdomen, front and back, and at my belt region. I knew what he was trying to do and I smirked inwardly. This man looks like a hulk but I understood that he doesn't have anything inside his head, just as I thought. My confidence increased a bit more when the guy didn't even bother to check outside the house for any suspicion. Alright, this will be over soon if the guys inside are as dumb as him too. But I doubt Herb will be.

The guy then motioned to move forward and directed me towards a hallway where I saw Herbert sitting on the old chair with his phone on one hand and a bottle of beer on the other. The room was big and dark with no much lighting other than the evening sunlight entering through the creaks of all the worn-out windows. The whole place looked like a ramshackle, ready to break down anytime. There was a middle-sized sofa in the corner of the room with a Television in front of it. My eyes roam around the room to catch a sight of Karolia, desperate to see her. I glared at Herb who stood up and walked straight towards me across the room to where I was standing.

"I knew you hate waiting, but I didn't expect to see you this fast, Logan" I could say that he was irked with my presence. I know I surprised him by finding his hideout fast. Two guys (one being the same person I saw first) were standing a few feet away from us, their hands crossed behind their back. But I knew they were holding a pistol, ready to shoot if I made a wrong move.

"Where is she?" I snapped. I wanted to see her once to confirm that I wasn't late. I hope they haven't laid even a finger on her and if they did, I know I'm going to lose it.

"Calm down, Watson. I know you want to see her" Herb smirked evilly while pushing his hands through his pocket.

"I brought you the documents. Now let her go" I snare at him.

"I can see you did. I can't believe that all it took was for me to capture her and here you are, handing it directly into my hands." He came forward eyeing the suitcase that I had on my left hand.

"Show her, and then we can close the deal like real men." I came forward daring him to oppose me. He took the hint that I wouldn't hand him the documents unless he brings her in.

I saw him signaling one of his men to come forward and I watched curiously as Herbert whispered something in that man's ear. The guy then immediately disappeared into the open door at the opposite corner of the room. I stood there with alert shoulders and carefully watching the movements of Herb. For some reason, he looked calm about the situation. I knew Herb was a calm and patient man who likes to get his things done cunningly.

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