5. Do I have an option?

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The surroundings around me look actually quite peaceful and warm today, so instead of catching a bus or going with Scarlet to university, I decided to walk. I enjoyed having this time to recollect my speech which I've to present in front of my class. Suddenly the climate changed and the blue cloud changed to dark grey and soon after raindrops started falling.

"Great" I muttered to myself and looked up at the grey cloudy sky. I loved the rain when I didn't have to walk around in it. I pulled my hoodie over my head and started running.

"If only I would have carried an umbrella, I would really enjoy this," I muttered as I turned to the corner. I looked up at the shops that filled the streets and people either running for a shelter or simply enjoying the rain. My clothes were sticking to my body like a second skin and it was irritating me.

There was a small bus stop a few feet away and I made a dash towards it. I stood under the shelter and placed the bag beside me before squeezing my hair. I then sat down on my knees and took out my books and papers from the bag. My grin was so wide when I noticed the pages of the books weren't wet, but it soon changed into horror as I was suddenly covered in freezing cold dirty water. I let out a small yelp when I noticed my books were drenched in water. I managed to glance up to see a black range rover leave. What.The.Hell!

"Hey asshole, stop the car!!" I yelled in rage. How dare he/she leave without even saying sorry! Urgh....this just made my day. How could I go to university in this condition?

No way. I won't let whoever that asshole is to leave without solving my problem. I quickly looked around and found a big stone. I took and aimed it at the car which was currently waiting for the green signal. The back glass of the expensive car shattered into millions of pieces and I pat my back mentally in satisfaction and pride. I didn't know I could aim that far!

For a moment, there was silence around me before a man came out of the car. He slammed the door shut and walked towards the back of his car, examining the damage. Then he turned around quickly and his gaze fell on me. He angrily stomped in my direction and my mind was screaming at me to run for my life. But it seems my brain stopped functioning as soon as I saw him.

He is the same man who got me fired! His shirt was sticking to his body showing his sculpted abs and his brown hair was sticking to his forehead. His eyes were bright blue and his fist was clenched tightly.

"You again?!" he muttered in disbelief. "Have you lost your mind? How dare you throw a stone at my car like that" He yelled as he towered in front of me. Oh God, he's so freaking tall! My senses started working as soon as he opened his mouth. I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms across my chest.

"You splashed that damn dirty water on me, then you are leaving without even saying sorry! Where the hell is your manners then!" I shouted back at him. At first, he looked stunned, but then quickly masked over with his cold hard stare.

"Look I'm in a hurry. So you better say sorry, so that I can reach my office on time" he said, looking at his watch. I stared at him as if he had grown two heads.

"Why the hell should I say sorry to you? You should be the one to say that. Even for getting me fired." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes to me" he growled at me. I rolled my eyes again. No one tells me what to do, especially not this asshole.

"Look, miss. I'm being very gentle with you. I'm only asking you to say sorry instead of taking money from you for causing the damage since I'm sure you don't have that much money with you." he said and I gasped. How dare he tell me I'm poor? That too straight at my face. My blood began to boil, making me grind my teeth together.

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