41. Invitation

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(One month later)

Looking out of this luxurious car window, I'm blessed with a wonderful view of snow-covered trees and pathways. Few people out in the avenue were warming themselves with heavy sweaters and jackets and children in the open park were trying to make snowmen or were hitting each other with snowballs.

Turning the heater a notch higher, I rubbed my freezing hands together. I let out a sigh and relish in the beautiful scenery and the feeling winter emits out. I absolutely love the winter season. Being inside the house, slumped on the couch wearing thick sweaters, and a hot steaming coffee nearby with a really good book in your hand to read. There is nothing better to ask than that. That's how I always used to spend most of my winter days, especially if I don't have any work to do.

But this time a certain blue-eyed devil named Logan freaking Watson decided to change my routine. I glared at him with all of my irritation I could muster up. He gives me an 'oh so innocent look' as if he didn't just drag me out of my peaceful sleep.

I'm beyond exhausted now as I slept late at night yesterday. Logan came to the apartment at half-past 11 because he said he had a surprise for me the next day. But I didn't know I should wake up at freaking six in the morning as part of this surprise! Also, my dumb ass kept on talking to Logan till 2 am even though he tried to make me sleep early. But hey, he should have said to me his surprise starts at the unforbidden time of dawn, so yes, I blame it on him.

Exactly at six in the morning, he practically dragged my ass out of the bed and told me to be ready in twenty minutes. I am beginning to think that there is something really wrong with this guy. I mean who would want to give a surprise on this cold freaking morning. Also, he looks so fresh and wide awake, ughh is he even a normal human being!?

All through the ride, Logan kept trying to lift my mood by discussing random stuff. I was getting really annoyed because he wouldn't even tell me where he was taking me to. After some time I just stopped asking and sat there sulking, staring out of the window with a permanent scowl on my face.

"Babe?" he called me in a soft and innocent tone. I didn't even turn to look at him. He sighed and turned his body towards me. He had stopped the car at the red light.

"Babeeee" I turned ever so slightly to look at him with an annoyed face. His lips were slightly puckered and I couldn't help but find it cute. But I kept a poker face trying to not give in to him.

"Oh, come on. You don't have to put up a face for this. You don't even know what my surprise is. It's going to be fun, Lia. I promise." He says with an excited tone.

"Why this early though?" I whine, crossing my arms against my chest. "We could have stayed at home and watched some movies," I said with a grunt.

"Just be patient, love. You'll love it" He says as his blue eyes bore into my brown ones. Logan's eyes held so much power and intensity that I couldn't look away even if I wanted to. I felt like being captivated by those clear ocean blue eyes.


We snapped out of the little daze and focused on the road ahead. We didn't even notice the light go green. Logan let out some string of curses before shooting the car forward.


"Ice skating." I turned to look at him when we approached the building. He brought me to ice skating, and not just any ice skating rink, the Rockefeller one. I always wanted to come here but never got any chance. I turned to Logan with a wide smile stretched on my face, completely forgetting I should stay angry at him.

"How's the surprise?" he said, grinning. I jumped onto him and threw my hands around his neck, burying my face in his neck. My action caught him off guard as he took a step back to catch the balance.

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