44. Caught

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Logan's POV:

Everything was going as planned. Attending the ball, talking business, and waiting until the ball ends so that I can go back to my love and cuddle to sleep. This night would have been perfect with Lia as my date instead of Zara. I know my girl always dreamed of attending a ball like this, but for me, her safety is first. And this place isn't safe for her because of one certain person - Olivier.

I'm also aware of the fact that she is angry with me, so I called her earlier before going to the ball. At first, she sounded fine and good, as if we didn't even fight. But eventually, she got it and tried to put on a tough facade. I felt something was off when I called her. I just couldn't figure it out. She seemed awfully fine that I was going to the ball without her. Considering her nature, I thought she would make it too hard for me. She can be pretty hard-headed at times. Even after coming to the ball, I had this nagging sensation to call her every minute and check on her but I decided against it as it would only increase her grudge. Throughout the ball, I put on my emotionless mask, only smiling while greeting someone.

But right now, I only feel one emotion. An emotion that's so powerful, yet so destructive.


I could feel it flowing through my veins and consuming my whole body. Never have I felt this much anger and it's the worst feeling. All I can see is red.

"What the fuck is going on?" I gritted out, my fist clenching at my sides. She jumped in fright and turned her head, meeting my gaze. Her eyes widened for a fraction of second before quickly masking it. But she wasn't fast enough to go unnoticed by me.

"Do you want anything?" She asked with that fake voice of her. Oh, so she's still playing that stupid game of hers thinking she's not caught. Bad luck, princess.

"Who the fuucck are you man?" Olivier slurred and it took everything in me not to punch his goddamn face. And why the hell is he blindfolded?!

"Drop the act, Karolia. And fucking step away from him." I growled, ignoring his comment. She was too close to him for my liking and he was trying his hardest to push his head into her chest.

Her beautiful brown orbs widened in fear and shock and immediately jumped away from Oliver, now fully turning her body towards me.

"Shit," she muttered lowly and took another step to the left, away from me. Her gaze roamed around the room, trying to find an escape.

"You can't escape from me now," I said and walked to her. Her face paled and she winced visibly under my sharp angry gaze. I grabbed her arm not so softly and pushed her behind me, away from him.

"Sugar, why" hiccup "did you" hiccup "stop? It was fun." He said. My breathing ragged and I clenched my eyes tightly. It's getting extremely hard not to harm him.

"Logan, d-don't," Lia whispered from behind, her hand touching my arm softly trying to relax me. In any other situation, her touch or voice would have calmed me, but now it just boils my anger more.

"Baby," he purred. Damn it!

I lunged forward and punched him square on his jaw. His head jerked backward at the impact and fell to the ground, unconscious. I raised a brow as confusion clouded my mind.

What did she do to him? The Olivier I know won't fall unconscious with just a single punch. That man has more stamina than a hulk!

Lia gasped loudly from behind and rushed to his side, bending slightly and slapping his cheek repeatedly.

"Is he dead?" She asked with wide eyes, still trying to wake him up.

"Wait, don't answer that! Of course, he is dead." Her voice sounded worried and panic evident in her face.

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