36. Worst is yet to come

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I notice the busy street of New York as I sit in the backseat of the expensive Maserati Levante with my rising nervousness. Just this morning, I woke up alone in bed with yesterday's event fresh in my mind. I was hoping to wake up to Logan's warm hands wrapped around me like a cocoon, but I have to admit that I was pretty disappointed when I didn't find him in the apartment in the morning. But to my surprise, he texted me around eight asking me to come to his office within an hour to discuss something important with me. Seeing that message was like a deja-vu and here I am, on the way to his office.

William dropped me in front of Logan's office and I bit my lips in anxiousness. I scan the surroundings and just as I remembered, it was buzzing with people looking busy to get to work. The last time I came here it didn't end up well, but considering the way Logan texted me using his infamous endearment 'love', I hope this is not going to go all downhill.

I enter through the fancy sliding glass door and walk towards the reception area. Everything looked pretty the same from what I remember.

"Good Morning," I greet the receptionist with a smile. The lady doesn't look like the same person from that day though.

"Good Morning. How can I help you?" She asked me with a professional work-smile.

"I am here to meet Mr.Watson," I tell her.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked me, solemnly.

"No, but he just told me to say my name here. I'm Karolia Kingston." My voice sounded a bit unsure.

"Ohh, yes. Mr.Watson mentioned that you would be coming. He will be on the last floor and his PA will guide you to his office from there. You can take the elevator." She pointed to the far end of the left where I spotted the lift a bit away from the packed hall.

"Thank you," I nodded my head with a smile and continued to walk there with my clicking sandals.

I stare at my reflection in the polished elevator door with my fidgeting hands. I smooth my hair out and adjust the V-neck white button-down cardigan which I have paired with my high-waisted dark blue skinny jeans. I check the time on my phone and relax when I notice I have five more minutes for it to be nine. The ride to the twentieth floor took about half a minute and I was greeted with a silent and peaceful atmosphere as soon as the doors opened.

I scan the whole area and take a moment to appreciate the beautiful architecture. The place looked really classy and sophisticated with white and light blue as the main theme. There were some plastic plants, big and small, kept on the corners which gave a woody effect. I realize how much I missed from the first time I came here.

I noticed a modern desk set-up at the end of the hallway which I didn't see last time I came here. But it explains as my entire attention that time was on Logan whom I met in the elevator itself. I walk towards it and greet a woman sitting on the swivel chair. She looked up as soon as I approached and her facial expression seemed like she expected me.

"Miss.Kingston?" She asked me and I nodded my head with a small smile. She spoke through the intercom about my arrival and turned to me.

"Please wait, Mr. Watson's PA will be soon here to take you"

Within a few seconds, a petite figure about my height wearing a pencil skirt and matching blouse, her tight ponytail sleeked, approached me with a file in her hand.

"Miss Kingston. I'm Mia. This way please," Her voice was sweet as honey and pretty when she smiled. I felt a little self-conscious about my dressing style now. Mia guided me through a narrow hallway towards a glass door through which we can see the activities inside. There were a total of ten cabin partitions from what I could see, in which few staffs were working on their systems, others talking quietly to their colleagues, and the faint noise of the printer working from somewhere.

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