57. Falling apart

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Logan's POV:

Being the CEO of a powerful company and once being a part of illegal businesses, I have heard different stories of how people take revenge on others. Some even go to an extent by harming innocent lives to satisfy their hunger for revenge. Lia's case is similar to this. Her whole family was a victim and she suffered the most and is still suffering. I need to bring an end to this whole drama. An end to my girl's misery. They even had the audacity to play against my family. Play against me.

My hands stuffed in my pockets, I tapped my feet impatiently waiting for this damn elevator to reach the basement of my office which is a parking lot as well. Finally, the elevator door pinged open and I nodded my head at the security guard before walking ahead. After several turns, I stopped in front of the grey metal door. Two of my guards were standing next to the door as well. One of them opened the door for me and I nod my head in gratitude before walking down the dark hall, my footsteps echoing in the dark alleyway. I stopped in front of another grey door and entered the room. Three bulbs were hanging from the ceiling, brightening the plain room having cement walls. My eyes immediately zeroed to the man sitting on a chair in front of a table, William standing behind him. The man's head immediately turns in my direction.

"Ah Logan, what is this all about?" Olivier asked angrily.

"I wanted to talk to you," I said and sat on a chair opposite to him, a table between us.

"Why can't we talk somewhere else?" Oliver looked around the place in disgust. "This looks like an interrogation room," he said, scowling.

"It is," I replied.

Olivier's fist clenched at my response. "Is this about Miss Kingston? Then let me tell you, I'm not planning to kill her"

"You harmed my girl and her family. Her life is at stake because of you. So do you expect me to believe you?"

He laughed "Yes because whatever happened wasn't my plan. I just followed my orders. I'm not the real villain here." he said in a monotone.

"Then who is it? Whose orders were you following?"

"The Boss," he replied and I raised my eyebrows, my jaw clenched. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket but I didn't take it, knowing very well who it would be. I wanted to attend the phone and talk to her but I have some business to finish before I turn to her. It's only then I can talk freely to her.

"Name?" I gritted out.

"Ahh you see," Oliver sighed, leaning on the table with his hands interlocked on the table. "We assassins, which I'm pretty sure you've found out by now, have a rule. Never to disclose the name of the person who gave us the task." he shrugged his shoulder and leaned back in his chair.

"And what if I force it out of you?" I eyed William who was standing closely behind Olivier and he took a step forward getting my hint. Olivier's face turned hard in a second.

"Then I'm sure you'll have to face all the consequences. And mind you it will be very fatal." His eyes bore into mine, challenging me. I didn't want to back out even though I know there is a point in what he is saying. I know how this system works and I don't blame Olivier for it. And since I didn't want to add to the already piled up problems I decided to give up.

"Fine. Then tell me what is your involvement with Karolia?" I asked him

"Why should I tell you? Go ask your girlfriend." he scoffed. William stepped forward, his hand gripping his gun. I looked at William and silently told him to wait before he did whatever he was planning to.

"I want to know your side. Let's finish this off on a good note or else I won't be responsible for William's actions." I shrugged my shoulders. Olivier chuckled humorlessly.

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