52. Inkling

315 19 0

Bang! Bang!

I frowned at the loud noise and squeezed my eyes more tightly. I pressed my head deeper into the soft pillow and covered my head with the soft duvet, trying to block all the noises. I sighed in content and welcomed darkness once again with open arms as the room fell silent.

BANG! "Damn it" someone cursed loudly. BANG!

I groaned loudly and reluctantly sat up before I rubbed my eyes to blink away the sleep. Logan is hurriedly tossing our dresses into the suitcase which was placed at the foot of the bed. His face was void of any emotions but his jaw was clenched and a fire was burning in his eyes.

"Logan," I called out, my voice hoarse from my sleep. He looked at me for a second before turning back to the wardrobe.

"Get ready, we're going back to New York"

"What?" I was surprised by his response "I thought we were staying here for one more day"

"Change of plans." was his only response. I sighed when I realized he's hiding something from me. I stood up from the bed and wrapped a silk peach robe around my body on top of my camisole. I walked up to him and hugged him from behind. He stood still and from the mirror in front of us, I saw him clench his jaw and close his eyes. I press a small kiss on his back before turning him around to face me.

I took his face in my hands by standing on tiptoes and forced him to look into my eyes. "You look tense. What is it?" I asked softly. He broke our eye contact and looked away, different emotions swirling in his eyes.

"Any problem in your office?"

"No, everything is fine in the office"

"Then what is it?"

"Mom is in hospital," he whispered and removed my hands from his face. He turned away and continued to pack our bags, while I stood there, trying to register those words in my mind. But it seems like my mind froze and everything went blank. I stared at Logan, watching him pack, trying to figure out emotion from his expressionless face, anything so that I could force my brain to finally assimilate his words. Slowly and painfully his words started to sink in and finally I let out a loud gasp.

"W-What do you mean?" I whispered, my eyes following him. He ignored me and took his phone from the table and dialed a number before placing it on his ear.

Annoyed by his ignorance, I walked up to him and snatched his phone from his grasp. He looked startled and opened his mouth, probably to command me to return his phone, but I cut him off.

"What do you mean that 'Grecia is in the hospital'?"

"She met with an accident," Logan said emotionlessly and tried to take his phone from me. But I held the phone behind my back, away from him. I'm not done with my questions.

"How did it happen?"

"I don't know how it happened. That's why we need to get there as soon as possible," he said and leaned forward, taking his phone from my hand. He gave me one last look before walking out of the room. Different thoughts ran through my mind, trying to figure out how this might have happened but nothing made sense.

The next few hours went like a blur. Checking out from the hotel, paying a last visit to the cemetery, walking through the airport and before I knew it, we were traveling back to New York, in Logan's private jet. Logan was silently brooding in his seat. I studied his stoic face anxiously, trying to get an emotion from him. Even after hearing the horrific news, he looked calm and collected. And that's what scares me most. I know he's hurting inside and I want him to let it out either by screaming at me or at least by showing an emotion that indicates he's worried about Grecia. But NO! This man decided to keep everything to himself.

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