53. Confuzzled

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Logan's POV:

I tap lightly on top of the cigarette with my index finger to get rid of ash as I stare at the night sky above me. My heart feels heavy, swelling with sadness and anger. Seeing her in this state, fighting for her life makes me vulnerable and weak. I stare at the cigarette as it becomes smaller and smaller and I haven't even taken a puff from it.

Mom hates when I smoke, which I rarely do and creates a big scene about it. Today I couldn't bring myself to smoke and I have no idea why I lit this cigarette up. I snap out of my train of thoughts as I heard footsteps coming closer. I stub the cigarette in the removable ashtray that was kept on top of the steel garbage can. Olivier walks up to me and gives me a consoling pat on the back. I nod my head gravely.

"Did you find out who did this?"

"No, my men are still searching for him" I replied grimly.

"You know where to find me if you need any help."

"I'll manage this," I replied solemnly. He smiles and nods in understanding before taking his leave. I know he will help me to find the person, but I can't trust anyone in this matter. After all, he's an assassin as well. I watch him as he speeds away in his sports car, leaving behind a cloud of dust. At the same time, Karolia walks out of the building her eyes scanning the surrounding. I quickly step back, hiding behind a wall.

I lean my head on the wall and close my eyes. I feel bad for hiding from her as I have no reason to be. But right now, I'm in no mood to be a target for her empathy or sympathy. I take out my phone from the pocket before dialing William's number and asking him to drop Lia at her apartment.

As soon as I saw them leaving the hospital premises, I dialed to the one person who I have been talking with the most today.

"Mr. Watson?"

"Ried, any progress?" I ask him. Ried is one of my most trusted and skilled hitman. He caught the coward who hit mom's car and escaped even before the police could catch him. I don't think anyone can do this job better than him. This is the reason why I didn't approach the police much and try to solve all my problems myself. Because involving the police is only going to cost me my own time.

"I'm afraid my answer is no. It's already been half a day and we have tried all sorts of torture method but looks like he is not ready to open his f**king mouth anytime soon." I grip my phone tighter, trying to control my anger.

"Tell him he won't see the next sunlight if he doesn't open up about who sent him to do their dirty work." I gritted my teeth, seething inside.

"I have done that too. But he seems very much determined to die rather than speak up." Ried replied and I heard a loud groan from the background.

"Then grant him his wish. Finish him and cover up smoothly." I replied in a monotone even though I so badly wanted to be the one to do it. But it's not going to get me anywhere since the real villain is just out there enjoying my agony.

"Gladly." I could feel Ried's smirk through his voice and cut my phone before heading inside the hospital with a stoic face.


I stare at her beautiful face as she inhales and exhales through the oxygen mask. My heart again swells in anguish looking at her now. Her cheeks had lost its color, her lips chapped and her skin pale as a ghost. I trace my knuckles on her cheeks, a memory of my beautiful childhood flashing before my eyes.

"Dad," I call out loudly.

"Shush! He's supposed to find us, baby." Mom whispers in my ears, her eyes twinkling with mischief. I giggle softly into my hands. From the branch of the large tree, which is our hiding spot, we watch him scanning the area.

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