38. Played

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If you ask me which is the boring subject I've learned in my life, I would answer Economics without any hesitation. Right now I'm trying my hardest to keep my eyes open. Looking around the class, some students in the last row are either already asleep or are on their phones. Some are trying to stay awake like me and a few are really engrossed into the subject, good for them. Mrs. Franks doesn't really care about the number of students listening to her lecture, she only cares about how many of them are in the class. As I wanted attendance, I tolerated this class. I guess that's the only reason why at least these many students are present here. It's even boring since both Scar and Tyler are not having the same schedule as mine for today. So I just have to suffer this one and half hour alone, brooding. If I had an option to choose between economics or accountancy, I would choose accounts in a heartbeat, not that it's my favorite subject though, but I have no choice since I'm majoring in Business studies.

One of the university staff enters the room with a slip in his hand. Mrs. Franks takes it and after reading whatever that was written on it, she scans the classroom until her eyes land on me.

"Miss. Kingston, report to the front office immediately with your belongings. You may leave now." She said in her usual dull voice. All traces of sleep immediately vanished from me as if a bucket of cold water was poured on me upon hearing my name.

Packing my things, I walked towards the office as fast my legs could carry. The curiosity to know what wrong I did increased every second, even though I'm happy I was saved from going into hibernation in the class. After greeting the sweet lady at the reception, who is also the secretary of the university Vice-Chancellor, I opened the door to see the chancellor, Mr. Augustine seated on his chair in front of his desk.

" Good Morning Mr. Augustine, I was called," I said vaguely.

"Come in, Miss. Kingston. Take a seat." He said pointing at the chair facing him. I walked towards it and sat down nervously.

"Miss. Kingston, You have the rest of your day off" He said with a nonchalant face.

I was taken aback by what he said. Why would I have my day off? Is it like a suspension or something? But I haven't done anything wrong and I didn't ask for this too.

"I'm glad to hear that Mr. Augustine. But may I know why?" I said, trying my best to contain myself.

"It's on a request, Miss. Kingston" He said.

"May I know whose request, sir?" I asked in confusion.

"Mine" I snapped my head to the door to see..... him. I press my lips tightly and my eyes narrowed slightly

Logan was leaning against the threshold of the door with his hands tucked in his pockets casually as if he owns this place. A slight grin was playing on his lips. What does he want now?

"But Mr. Augustine, why should I go with him?" I asked, controlling my anger.

"The answer to your question will be given by Mr.Watson and not me. I was just asked to give you a day off."

"How can you just trust an unknown person and ask your student to go with him?" I practically snapped at him without even realizing that my voice had pitched higher. By the time Logan had taken a seat beside me and was staring ahead like nothing was happening.

"Careful there Miss, you don't get to raise your voice like that. Mr. Watson said you are his friend, so I believe that you'll be perfectly fine with him"

"But, but-"

"I hope you're aware of the fact that I have the power to suspend you from this university even if you have done nothing wrong. But I believe you wouldn't want me to do that now. So please, leave now. With him." He cut me off immediately. I clenched my fist under the table in anger. He might be my chancellor, but he's an asshole, just like the person sitting beside me

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