54. Twitchiness

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I watched the New York traffic through the window wall as I waited for Scarlet in the newly opened café. Soft soothing music was playing in the background giving an extra ambiance to this beautiful café with a glass roof and greenery surrounding the place.

Lost in the beauty, I didn't notice Scarlet entering the café until she plopped down on the opposite seat of my table.

"Hey wassup!" She greeted, looking cheery as ever.

"Hey" I greeted her. We leaned forward and hugged each other which was a bit hard due to the table separating us.

"You look ravishing girl" I complimented. Her long hair was curled and left open and a slight natural blush was coating her cheeks. She was glowing. Scarlet gave a cute smile before taking my hands in hers.

"I've something to tell you...more like give you," she said. I nod my head encouraging her to continue.

"But I don't know if this is the right time as Grecia is in the hospital." she bit her lip. It's been three days since we came back to New York and Grecia is still unconscious.

I gave Scarlet a confused look. "But I don't think I can keep this a secret for long." she continues.

"What is it?" I urged, getting nervous. She opened her bag and took a wrapped box and placed it in front of me.

"Open it"

I was confused, nevertheless I took the box and began to unwrap it. Scarlet was biting her lips and seeing her like this was making me anxious. A neat folded paper was inside the box and underneath the paper was something that had my eyes widen in shock. I glanced at Scarlet in surprise. 'Read' she mouthed shyly.

"Be my child's godmother, please"

I took the pregnancy test from the box which read positive and stared at it in utter disbelief. "Oh my God" I breathed out slowly. "Are you sure?"

"Five tests, the same result" she replied excitedly. I blink my eyes repeatedly, trying to process what she said. I then squealed loudly before jumping out from my seat and pulling Scarlet into a bone-crushing hug. People turned in our direction but we didn't give a damn about it.

"Oh my god, oh my god." I kept repeating, still not believing that I'm going to be an aunt. Scarlet laughed heartily.

"You are pregnant," I said in disbelief. We pulled back from the hug. "Yep, 3 weeks old," she said, blushing. I squealed again and kissed her cheeks.

"I'm so happy" I hugged her again but one question soon struck me." What about Patrick?" I asked

"He knows" she smiled. "I was scared to tell him, fearing his reaction. But he surely surprised me. He was more excited than me when he heard about this."

"But you are still young..."

"I know. This pregnancy was definitely unplanned. But we accepted the reality and we are happy about it. We are excited as well as nervous for this next step of our lives but I know we both can do it as long as we have each other and Patrick promised me with the latter. So yeah..." She said shyly.

"I'm so happy for you, Scarlet" I squeezed her hand. "You're lucky to have a guy like Patrick"

"Guess we're both lucky." She winked and we both laughed at that.

"Yes, indeed we are." I smiled softly. For the next few hours, we talked about everything and nothing. I told her about our adventure in Worcester, even about the secret place where Logan and I took the next step in our relationship.

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