64. Unmasking

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My mouth opened up in shock as soon as I opened the door. My eyes widened at seeing the person in front of me and right away, my eyes welled up with tears and my hand flew to my mouth in shock.

"A-Aunt Jamie?"

I couldn't utter any further words other than the person's name. I stood rooted in my spot, unable to move my muscles. She looked older than I last saw her. Her hair displayed the greyness that she once used to hide by dyeing. She looked like she lost a tremendous amount of weight and almost looks unrecognizable.

"Karolia," She said, her voice breaking at the end. A tear fell from her left eye and she gave me a sad smile which for some reason made my heart clenched tightly.

William who was standing behind her nodded his head looking at someone behind me and took his leave. I soon felt Logan's hand wrap around my shoulder from behind. I released a sob that I didn't even realize I was holding in and ran towards Jamie.

"Jamie, I m-missed you," I tell her as I throw myself into the open arms of Jamie.

I hugged her tightly and stood there for a couple of minutes, crying into her arms. Seeing her unexpectedly brought all my memories back in a flash. The days I cried in her arms, the times when she consoled me, and helped me to sleep at night after the terrible nightmares, the way she brought me out of my trauma and broke the hard shell that I had created around me after my parents' death. All these moments replayed in my head and it felt so overwhelming.

"I missed you too, sweetheart." She mumbled as she hugged me back tightly and smoothened my hair.

"I'm happy you are doing well now. I was worried about you all this time." She said and I pulled back from the hug to look at her. I was about to say something but was cut off by Logan's voice.

"Hello, Mrs. Wilson. I'm Logan Watson, Karolia's boyfriend. I'm the person who contacted you a few days back." Logan spoke with a warm smile while placing his hand on my shoulder.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Logan." Jamie looked at Logan and returned a smile.

We both welcomed Jamie inside the penthouse and I can already see that she became intimidated by the opulent ambiance. She stood a bit awkwardly, fiddling with her handbag before taking a seat on the comfortable warm couch. To put her at ease, I settled myself beside her and Logan sat opposite to us taking the cue.

"Would you like hot coffee?" Logan asked Jamie as soon as she seemed comfortably seated.

"I would love it." She replied with a small smile and Logan got up to head to the kitchen.

"How are you doing now?" She asked as soon as Logan disappeared. I smile at her question.

"I'm doing well now, Jamie, thanks to Logan. Nothing was easy when I came here. I wasn't able to sleep peacefully at night and I was always yearning to call you for your comforting words" I sighed heavily.

"It broke me as I couldn't even contact you for anything. But eventually, everything fell into place. It took a lot of time and effort. It was a long ride but I guess I overcame it well with the help of some amazing people I met here." I smiled reassuringly as I said.

"Have you... told about us to anyone else other than Logan?" She asked a bit cautiously.

"No. Only Logan knows all the details. I have mentioned about you guys to his mom as well but very vaguely, other than that no one knows. I didn't break the promise." I said and stressed the last part to make it clear for her.

"Well, I'm glad you kept the promise. I'm so happy for you." She said and a sad smile grazed her face. Logan came in with a cup of coffee and Jamie thanked him with a sweet smile. She took a sip from the hot brewing beverage and immediately appreciated Logan for how good it tastes.

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