7. Fighter

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Karolia's POV

"Hey" someone whispered in my ear from behind and I let out a shriek as fear ran through my body and I turned around.

"Scarlet!" I involuntarily pushed her face away which was very very close to mine.

"I didn't mean to scare you" she admitted quickly, her eyes widened and hands raised in surrender. I took deep breathes to calm my racing heart.

"Anyways..." she started, her face breaks into a smile changing the topic immediately. "I have a surprise for you" she jumped in excitement, her blonde hair loose from its normal ponytail.

My eyebrows twitched in confusion as she took two tickets from her bag before showing it to me.

"I got tickets for UFC" she squealed, bouncing on her heels.


"Underground fight club" she squealed again and I gave her a blank face.

"Are you out of your mind?" I finally asked her.

"Nope," she said, popping the letter p which annoyed me.

"What makes you think I'll come to this 'UFC'?" I questioned her, emphasizing on the word.

"Because" she stressed on the word "it's fun and I think this is the best opportunity to take revenge on Logan" she stated.

"First of all, Fighting isn't something fun to watch and I'm pretty sure you hit your head somewhere as you're talking nonsense" I exclaimed and she made a face.

"You have to trust me in this" I gave her a look and she sighed loudly, "I told you I'll make it up to you and this is one way"

"Okay, it's official. You're being delusional" I said and turned around to grab my bag from the locker before closing it. I started to walk away from her but she blocked my way.

"Just trust me, Karrie, please" she begged, her hands clasped tightly. I gave her a "convince me" look. Scarlet went on her knees, looking up at me with her best puppy eyes.

"What the hell are you doing? Get up. People are staring" I snapped at her as I looked around to notice people giving us weird glances.

"Pretty please... please. I'll buy you your favorite chocolate chip ice cream, a big box." She pleaded. I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat.

"Fine, I'll come. Now get up" I muttered, glaring at her.

She squealed, getting up from her knees and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug, stopping my air passage.

"Can't... b-breathe" I choked. She immediately pulled back, smiling apologetically.

"It better be good"

"Oh, you'll love what you're going to discover tonight" She smirked and I hummed in response. I highly doubt that.

We tiptoed around the silent house, looking back every second to make sure no one was following us. I let out a sigh of relief as we made to the front door without attracting any noise.

Scarlet and I are currently trying to sneak out. I decided to stay with Scarlet today as we thought it would be easier since she stays alone at her apartment. But to our surprise, her parents decided to visit her and spend the weekend with their daughter. I have to agree I was happy to see them and we reminisced many good memories during dinner. But they made this task of sneaking out very stressful.

I held my breath as Scarlet eased the key into the lock, turning slowly so that the loud click didn't cause her parents to come pounding down the hallway. Without any trouble, we were able to get into the car and took no time to get back on the road. After one freaking hour, we finally reached our destination.

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