4. New Home

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The wind whipped against my face as I ran into the cold. I shivered, but not once did I slow down. I don't know where I was running with my belongings, but it was somewhere that is new to me. After walking for an hour, my legs started to ache, so I sat on a bench of a sidewalk bringing my knees up into my chest. Scarlet's face paled as soon as she saw me leaving and begged me to stay. But I didn't listen and walked out of the apartment with a stone face.

One of the things I inherited from my father is Pride. And my pride didn't allow me to stay there any longer, knowing the only friend I have had trust issues with me. The feeling of helplessness and fearfulness seeped through me as soon as I stepped out from her apartment, but as I said my pride made me walk in the streets with my belongings at this hour of the night.

Scarlet's too blind with love that she thinks everyone else is wrong except her boyfriend. She's a very fragile girl and everyone takes this as an advantage to manipulate her. I don't blame her because I know Andrew was controlling her mind and she's helpless. I was angry at her because she mistrusted me. Her own best friend. Since she moved to New York, it was hard to maintain the same relationship we had, but still, we called each other at least once a week. Either she'll be busy with her cheering practice or me with my studies. Maybe, that's the reason she acted so blindly today.

"Why? Why does every bad thing happen to me?" I asked myself, heavy tears falling from my eyes. I wished this was all some sort of a dream. But I knew it wasn't. This was my decision and I had to suffer.

"WHY?" I screamed, crying harder. The more I cried, the harder was it to breathe. The feeling of dying dawned on me. I was shattered, broken completely. I didn't have a place to go, a place to stay, didn't have any other contacts. I feel helpless. Even the college dorm is full and right now I can't afford an apartment on my own. Maybe I can share an apartment with a roommate. Yes, that's it. Tomorrow I'll search for it, but for tonight, where will I stay?


I heard the crackling of sticks nearby and the sound of approaching footsteps. I turned my face to the right so quickly to see a man walking towards me. He seemed scary with an uneven shaven face and his clothes dirty. He was even walking unsteadily, which means only one thing either he's drunk or on drugs or both. He stopped walking when he was a foot away from me. I looked around my surroundings and soon realized the street was empty. How can I be so careless? I've heard the news about girls being kidnapped at night and sold to some mafia group. What if he's one of the members of that Mafia? My heart started to pound loudly and different scenarios crossed through my mind.

"Who are you?" I questioned him nervously.

"Just a pedestrian, ma'am," said the man with an evil smirk. His gaze was predatory and I shivered with fear.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing here"? He asked and I shuddered as his eyes raked over my body, undressing me with his lustful gaze.

"I think I should go now", I stood up quickly, taking a few steps to the side, clutching my bag tightly, in front of my chest.

"I don't think that's a good idea" he smiled crazily at me, blocking my way. I again looked around in a panic. It was dead silent. I mentally face palmed myself. How could I be so stupid!

I quickly turned around and dashed there. Suddenly I felt a hand grab my arm and I let out a scream dropping my luggage instantly. He covered my mouth and pushed me to the nearby wall. Tears started streaming down my face and I thrashed in his arms. Suddenly I was thrown back to my past, images of that day flashing through my mind. Fear gripped me in its tight grip, making me weak and numb.

"Please don't hurt me" I begged, tears falling down my eyes endlessly. I struggled to free my hand which was tied behind the chair I was forced to sit on and my feet tied together with duct tape. My whole body was throbbing in pain and my head felt heavy.

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