20. Broken

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It's not the years we count, it's the days we spent with them

Hammering, Banging, Pummeling, you name it. I'm experiencing all those things all at the same time. I groaned loudly before I peel my eyes open but immediately winced when harsh rays of sunlight hit my cornea. With my hand on my pounding head, I slowly sat up straight and blinked my eyes repeatedly till my blurry vision became clear. I looked around the room and frowned in confusion when I realized I'm back in my room at Watson Mansion. The hell! I don't remember anything from the night before, except for getting dressed up to go to the pub as per Scarlet's wish and taking shots with her.

I started to feel knots forming in my stomach, my legs shaking. I quickly stood up in wobbly legs and ran towards the bathroom. I threw my head into the toilet and puked, emptying the loose contents in my stomach. I wiped away the tears from my eyes and flushed the toilet. Walking to the basin, I washed my face without looking into the mirror. I know I look like shit. I took off my dress that hugged my body like a second skin due to sweat and dirt and threw it into the hamper.

After taking a long hot shower, I tiredly went back to the room and laid down on the bed looking at the ceiling trying to recall yesterday's memories. How did I end up here? Who brought me here? Is it Logan?

With these thoughts messing my mind, I turned my head to the side and noticed a black suit jacket. I sat up straight taking the satin cloth in my hands and took a long sniff. The smell! Even in sleep, I won't mistake this smell for someone else. But how did he find me? He was supposed to be at his reunion.

Realizing I won't find answers lying in this bed, I stood up and walked determinedly to Logan's room, ready to shower him with my questions and doubts. The house was quiet as usual and I stopped in front of his room. When I didn't get a response after five minutes, I slowly turned the doorknob, hoping my eyes wouldn't see things it shouldn't see.

I stopped. There, on the edge of the bed he was sitting, with his head in his hands. He was shirtless and from what I could see, his hair was messy meaning he just got up. I hesitated for a moment before I called his name softly.

"Logan," he slowly lifted his head from his hand and looked at me. My breath caught in my throat when I noticed how red his eyes look along with a few drops of tears that leaked from his eyes. Worst scenarios rushed into my mind. Did something happen to Grecia? I quickly went towards him and sat on my knees. The sadness in his eyes shook me to my core.

"Are you okay?" I asked, hesitantly taking his hands in mine. He didn't open his mouth but looked at me, which made me more anxious.

"Charles passed away" his eyes again glistened with tears. "He's gone, Lia" he said before pulling me into his arms and started weeping in my neck. I was startled for a minute. Then I heard him. The sound of him sobbing broke my heart, but I bit my lip trying to control my tears. I slowly caressed his hair while he let out all his emotions.

"I'm sorry" I said softly into his ear. I slowly pulled back, cupping his cheeks in my hands. He looked into my eyes and it took everything in me not to pull him back into my eyes. He looks so vulnerable.

"I'm sure he was a good person. He's safe with God. He's now in a world where there is no pain, no heartbreak. Only happiness" I comfort him. I'm dying to know who this Charles was, but that's not my top priority. He is.

"Please stop crying. I'm sure Charles would hate to see you cry" I wiped his tears while he stared at me.

"Thank you" he said graciously and I smiled at him weakly. Someone knocked before the door opened. We turned to look at Natasha, who looked all glammed up with high heels and short sundress that barely reached her knees. She stopped in her tracks when she saw me and I immediately backed away, standing up.

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