67. Gone

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A/N: Warning - This chapter might trigger sensitive souls. So we request you to read the lines according to your mental stability or you could skip those lines.

Third POV:

The arrival of Logan Watson was a bombshell to Micah and Olivier. They couldn't believe their eyes and stood frozen in their tracks, looking wide-eyed at the man in front of them holding a pistol directed towards them. There's only Micah, Oliver, Karolia, and now Logan in this room, but Logan isn't foolish to think there are no other people in the building. He had to take down every one of Micah's dogs who were guarding the front of this room in such a slick and smooth manner that others didn't notice he entered the premises.

Good thing I brought a silencer for my pistols. He thought. He would say he was lucky enough to reach till this room covertly, but Logan knows that won't last long.

"Step away from her." Logan gritted out to Micah. Micah had no option but to step back under Logan's gunpoint. Micah tried to take his phone from his pants pockets to notify his men, but Logan quickly caught onto the stunt and pulled the hammer of the pistol back, reloading the bullet, in a way to warn Micah to back off. And that instantaneously made Micah raise his hand in surrender.

How is it possible? Wasn't he supposed to be dead? Didn't I order Micah's men to finish him off? If nothing, his leg is supposed to be wounded where I shot. These questions crossed Olivier's mind for a second.

Logan's eyes snapped to the figure slumped on the ground, and his heart clenched in pain when he saw Karolia's bruised face. The anger that he had at control till now hit top-notch and it boiled fiercely. His body was trembling immensely to destroy every single bone of all the men who harmed his girl. Not a single soul will escape my wrath. Logan decided. His main objective is to wipe three people from this world and he'll do it at any cost.

When their eyes met, Karolia gave him a weak smile and nodded her head, assuring him she was doing alright. Oh, love. His heart again clenched at how she is putting a hard mask in front of everyone, concealing her pain. Logan walked towards Karolia and pulled her up before pushing her behind him with one hand. He then quickly removed the rope from her wrist, freeing her tied hand.

"W-What? How is it possible?" Olivier stuttered out, still in shock. Logan shot daggers at Olivier. Traitor. But before Logan could respond, Micah interrupted.

"What a surprise, Watson. You know how to make an entry, huh?" Micah chuckled darkly. Micah isn't scared of being under a gunpoint and even if he is, he doesn't show it. A perfect actor.

"You both underestimated me," Logan said darkly, his blue eyes burning in a fire. Karolia was fisting Logan's shirt in her hand, tears streaming down her eyes as she cried silently in pain. Micah's reveal disturbed her greatly and it disgusted her to think she and her family loved him and treated him with respect, not realizing they were letting a Venom into their lives. A venom that killed them indeed.

"You're supposed to be dead. You Bastard." Oliver glowered at him. He couldn't process that he went wrong somewhere and he can't even imagine what all will happen to him due to the outcome of his mistake.

"You should've known better, Olivier," Logan smirked at him. By now Logan had taken one more pistol from his belt and is currently pointing towards Micah and Olivier. "I knew something was up as soon as you suggested the idea of me being the driver. So I sent William instead of me." He explained while smirking darkly. Micah's lip slowly curled up. The boy is indeed clever, he thought.

Logan was skeptical about Olivier's intentions from the start and he didn't believe what all came out from his mouth until he researched it. And this time also he did the same and he tapped Olivier's phone conversation day before yesterday. Logan found out the plan exchanged between him and his Boss, Micah. Also, the tracker in Karolia's necklace helped him find the location and he had also asked Patrick to record all the talk, revealing Micah's dirty work by none other than himself, for future references and proof.

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