32. Enrapture

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(A/N: Anne-Marie & James Arthur - Rewrite the stars)

Say you were made to be mine

Nothing could keep us apart

You'd be the one I was meant to find

It's up to you, and it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

So why -  

I felt someone's fingertips touch my earlobe for a split second before one of my earbuds was pulled out of my ear. I turn my head to look at Logan with startled eyes.

"Yes?" I asked him, pausing the song on my phone. Logan glanced back at me for a second before his gaze returned to the road.

"I said we will be stopping at the gas station to buy some items for the trip. You okay with that?" He asked, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel according to the beat of the song playing on the radio.

"Yeah sure," I shrugged my shoulders. We started our journey early morning, at 7 am, and have been on the road for two hours. There was occasional numbness and tingling in my legs and feet, so I guess it's not a bad idea to take a break from sitting in one position. Logan got off the highway and pulled into a gas station on the next exit. He found a parking space to park his Black Jeep Wrangler and then we both made our way into a convenience store.

Logan threw in three packets of marshmallows, a big packet of coals and other items needed for the trip, while I followed him pushing the shopping cart for him. I don't mind doing the helper job as long as the items I wanted are there in the shopping cart.

Some guy who knew Logan stopped him while we were in the fifth aisle looking for some frozen items. I waited for him at the end of the aisle but when their conversation didn't end even after five minutes, I got bored and wandered around the shop.

I ran the back of my fingers across different packets and flavors of chocolates arranged neatly on the shelves trying to select the best one. Hmm...There's a lot of options here. Feeling someone's eyes on me, I turned around, but I couldn't spot anyone who was wasting their time staring at me. My eyes quickly scanned the entire place and everyone seems to mind their own business. Frowning, I turned around again and inspected the chocolates. Maybe I'm imagining things.

"You like that chocolate?" I jumped when I heard Logan's voice very close to my ear. My heart started to pump loudly at our proximity. He was standing behind me, his chest touching my back.

"Logan!" I breathed out "You scared me." Raising my hand to my heart, I turned my head to look at him and he just winked at me and smirked.

"So which one did you choose?" he asked instead and faintly kept his hands on my waist. What the hell is he doing!? Clearing my throat, I stepped aside and turned to face him, holding a packet of Ferrero Rocher in my one hand and Lindt in another.

"What do you like?" I asked.


The jeep rolled into a large woods, the dirt and mud kicked up from the ground and splattering all over the back wheels of the vehicle. I held onto the roof handle for the support as the journey became bumpy from there. From a distance, a vibrant red jeep with white stripes can be pointed out among the thick groves.

"Lord, give a break!" I heard Logan exclaim in annoyance as he drives down the road towards the red jeep. I understood what he meant immediately as I looked ahead. Sitting on the hood of the car, Scarlet and Patrick were making out shamelessly and it looks pretty....intense.

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