21. Abduct

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A/N: (Warning) This chapter will confuse you as we had tried to deliver the scenes from two different sides in the third POV. Also many things are not revealed. But don't worry, everything will be explained in the upcoming chapters clearly. Now, enjoy the chapter

Third POV

The rain pelted down from the grey sky, acting as a solace to the dry earth. The water splashed as the wheels of Range Rover skid to a stop in front of Watson Mansion. Logan rushed out of the car, ignoring the crisp atmosphere and the vicious raindrops as his heart was burning with unfamiliar fire. A fire that evolved when Logan Watson met Karolia Kingston.

"Karolia!" Logan hollered as soon as his feet hit the marble floor of the living room. Deep down he knows she wouldn't be at home, but what if she is playing with him, he thought. His deep voice that kept on calling her name echoed in the large house. The sound of footsteps awakened a sense of hope in him but it immediately crushed down when he saw the person wasn't the same one who he was looking for.

Natasha descended the stairs in a hurry, confused as why he was shouting that girl's name over and over.

"L, what's the matter?" Natasha rushed to him.

"Where is Karolia?"

"I don't know" she said honestly, her confusion growing. "Why are you looking for her anyway?" Natasha has developed a deep hatred towards Karolia ever since she learned on the first day itself, Logan is having some stupid feelings for her. She has known Logan for a long time to the point where she knows when he cares for someone deeply. She also saw the look in his eyes when he looked at Karolia, something she never got from him.

"You didn't see her anywhere?" he asked desperately, ignoring her previous statement.

"No L, I didn't. What's the matter?" she asked softly, stepping closer to him and cupping his cheek. Logan stepped back immediately from her grasp before he sat on the couch rubbing his neck in frustration.

"Karolia is in danger," Logan mumbled.

"Danger? What Danger?" even though her heart fluttered slightly, it saddened her to see him in despair. She indeed has true feelings for him.

"She accompanied me to the funeral but then I lost sight of her. I thought she will be here-"

He was interrupted when his cell phone blared. He fished out his phone from his pocket and checked the caller ID, again in the same hope it's her.

Unknown Number Calling

He gritted his teeth in frustration and was about to cut the call. But a thought struck him – what if it's Karolia? Maybe she lost her phone and dialed from an unknown number. He pressed the green button and took the call.

"Hello" He greeted gravely, his heart racing slightly. A deep laugh echoed from the other side of the phone. A bitter laugh Logan was all familiar with.

"Herb" Logan grit out. Herbert George. An old acquaintance of Logan. "Now is not the time-"

"You underestimated me, Watson," he laughed again, cutting Logan off. Logan gripped the phone tightly, already getting a whiff of his statement.

"Where the f*** is she?" he went straight into the point.

"Oh she is safe with us. Pretty one she is, huh" he chuckled darkly and Logan's jaw and fist clenched.

"I expected Grecia Watson, but meh this pretty one will do. I have seen her with you a couple of times." Herb reveals again.

What if he says he doesn't care for Karolia? Will that set her free? He knows they are searching for his weakness, so what if he says she's not one? Logan thought for a second.

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