17. Hysteric

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I enter my room and lean on to the door in a trance. What did just happen? I have no idea why Logan did that. Why did he kiss me? Well technically it isn't a kiss, but you get it right?

Memories of what happened a few days back at the balcony resurfaced in my mind. I was in the same situation then too. Why does he always put me in it? I hate him. I hate him for making me feel this way. This isn't right. He has his ex-girlfriend, soon to become his girlfriend, two doors away and he kisses me. He is just playing with you, Karrie. You shouldn't fall for this.

I straighten my back as I conclude what I should do. I should ignore him. Yes, ignore his whole presence then it is better. I decided to take my pent up frustration on the one person who put me in this spot. I scanned the bed expecting to see Scarlet in deep sleep but I was surprised to see it empty. Wait, where did she sleep last night? Is she in Patrick's room?

I shake my head as I remember how uncomfortable Scarlet gets when she is in an unfamiliar place. She is indeed in Patrick's room. I don't doubt it now. I will give her my piece of mind once I see her later.

I decided to shower since I felt very much awake now. I guess I didn't get a good sleep like last night in a long time. I wonder why? It's definitely not because of him, nope.

I take a long hot shower relaxing my muscles and getting lost in thoughts. As soon as I exit the washroom, I notice Scarlet sitting on the edge of the bed biting her nails. She looks up at me with puppy dog eyes when she sees my cold glare that was directed towards her.

"I'm so so so sorry, Karrie. I didn't think the plan would backfire like that. I know I should have listened to you, but I'm sorry that my curiosity got you into trouble." She pleaded for mercy. I just ignore her and walk to my dressing table to dry my hair.

"Karrie, please, I'm sorry. As soon as I heard the crash sound I just panicked and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to come in and tell him that it wasn't your fault but I didn't have the guts to do that"

"I think it was a good thing that you didn't come in. It would have gotten worse." I said to her thinking about how it might have turned out if only she came in.

"Then how bad was it?" She asks me with a worried expression on her face.

"You don't have to worry about it. I handled it perfectly." I said to her, trying not to spill anything. I don't think it is a good idea to tell her everything when I am not sure of what happened there.

"Why didn't you come back then?" She asked me curiously.

"Uhh, well, I- wait, where did you sleep last night?" I asked her instead with my eyebrows raised and I saw her blush immediately. I diverted the topic and it worked.

"You were in Patrick's room, weren't you? I asked her with a smirk and I noticed how her eyes went wide.

"Nothing happened. I got scared standing in the corridor and was afraid to sleep in this room alone, so I just went to him. But since he was sound asleep, he didn't even notice me when I sneaked in his room and slipped out even before he woke up" She explained to me and I narrowed my eyes at her. Hey, eyes were wide, the one which she gives when she wants others to believe her.

"Fine, I believe you." I roll my eyes and soon saw her visibly relax.

"I'm hungry, I should go downstairs to make myself something. Pancakes?" I ask her even though I know she wouldn't turn down my offer.

"You know me well. I will be down soon after my shower." She gives me a thumbs up and enters the washroom.

I enter the kitchen in a merry mood and take out all the necessary items to prepare my pancakes. I open the fridge to take out some eggs and soon feel a warm and hard body press behind me. I stilled as I felt Logan's breath on my neck when he took out a water bottle from inside the fridge. I bet he's doing this purposely - pressing his body to mine.

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