33. Moving in

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(5 days later)

Sighing heavily, I wipe the small beads of sweat that formed on my eyebrows with the back of my hand. I scan the whole room again and debate on calling Scarlet to help me with pushing around all the furniture and boxes. But then again I don't want to trouble her, she was there with me almost all day yesterday.

Where the hell is Tyler? He promised he would be here in an hour. He's late as always! Ughh, I seriously have to stop eating like a pig and start working out. Doing all this weightlifting work is getting to me, making me sore in all places.

'Look for a job first, idiot' my inner self yelled. Right, I forgot I have to search for jobs too. Buying all the necessary furniture and households resulted in me going broke. Yaay, fun life!

It's my first day of moving into my new home and I still have a lot of work unfinished. For now, I can only live here with some necessities but soon I'll have to start working somewhere so that I could provide for myself too. I got up from my temporary seating on the floor when I heard two knocks. I walk into my unorganized living room to find two guys pushing a big box of something into the apartment through the main door that I left open for Tyler.

"Ms. Kingston?" One of the guys asked me and I nodded my head yes. The red t-shirt they wore emblazoned the name 'Ace Hardware'.

"We are here to deliver some home appliances, could you please tell us where to place it?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I haven't ordered anything.

"Sorry, the address you got might be wrong because I haven't ordered anything from your store," I say to them.

"Oh no dear, this is the address" My eyes widened when I heard a familiar voice outside the door. I stood there not able to protest when Grecia asked the men to place the new refrigerator in the kitchen.

"Hello sweetie" she walked inside the apartment and pulled me into a hug, not bothering that I was sweating like a pig here. I watched Logan enter the apartment as well, studying the space before his gaze landed on me. I glared at Logan as he smirked at me. I specifically told him not to step his foot in or bring Grecia here until I say so. I thought of inviting them after the whole place was set and organized. Asshole

"Grecia, you didn't have-" I started to speak but I was cut off when those men reappeared from the kitchen. They nodded their head and soon left the place. Grecia looked around the kitchen space, scanning through the cupboards and the old refrigerator that now I have to discard.

"Sweetie, will this be enough for you?" She asked me pointing to the pack of minimal groceries that I had stacked inside.

"For now, I guess yeah" I answered her awkwardly. She looks a bit intimidating as if scolding a child.

"What about after?" My head snapped towards Logan who had an emotionless face. I grit my teeth. He's purposely trying to put me in a fix here.

"There is always an option called takeout." I smiled tightly at him, but both of them remained with their same neutral face.

"Excuse me, ma'am." The guys who went out a while ago came in with another set of medium-sized boxes. There's more?

"Please place it over there." Grecia guided them. I didn't know what was happening at this point. I stood there clueless when they unwrapped the boxes to reveal a microwave oven and a set of blenders and mixers. How did she know that I didn't have these items?

Once the guys left after arranging the items, I watched Grecia unpack everything from its polythene covers and place it wherever it was necessary with the help of Logan. My eyes watered unknowingly as I realized how much they care about me.

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