9. Torn Pages

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"If you're taking more than two minutes to finish that small burger, then I won't hesitate to leave you here and be on my way" Logan glared, his arms crossed.

"It's not my fault you gulped down the food as soon as it arrived" I mumbled, slowly cutting a small piece from the burger and putting in my mouth. He gave me a weird look and I raised my eyebrow. What! We can eat a burger like this as well.

"Lord" he threw his napkin on the table and stood up, grabbing his keys and phone.

"Where are you going!?"

"Enjoy your time here leisurely," he said sardonically. "I have work to do," he said and walked away. I huffed and stood up after taking one more bite, running to catch up with him.

"Such an ass" I mumbled, wiping my fingers with tissue paper.

"Heard that," he said and I rolled my eyes, walking beside him. As if I care!

"Karrie!" I heard someone yell my name and I turned around in confusion. Scarlet waved from a distance, running towards me happily.

"Scar!" I exclaimed surprisingly, dashing towards her. She threw her hands around my neck, pulling me into her familiar bone-crushing hug. I laughed, rubbing her back.

"I missed you so much" she mumbled childishly and I chuckled.

"It's been only a few hours Scar"

"Still..." she said, squeezing my shoulders.

"How was your date?" I asked instead. She pulled back and gave me her million-dollar smile.

"It was AWESOME" she squealed, squeezing my hand. I watched Patrick walking towards us, his hands tucked in his pant pocket. He gave me a cute smile and I swooned a little.

"Hello, you must be Karolia," he said, his accent thick like fog. Maybe Australian?

"And you must be Patrick" I smiled and shook his extended hand. Patrick wrapped his hand around Scarlet's waist, pulling her closer and I raised my eyebrows. Hmm...Something escalated quickly.

"Pat?" I turned around to see Logan walking back towards us, pocketing his cellphone.

"Logan? What are you doing here?" Patrick asked, surprised. Scarlet was dumbstruck, her mouth open. He gave her nudge, glaring at her.

"He is more handsome up close" she whispered so that I only could hear. I rolled my eyes. Yes, he is handsome, but his character is shit sometimes.

"Shut up" I gritted to her

"I had some business here" Logan answered Patrick's question, giving me a quick side glance. Patrick looked at me for a moment in confusion but his face lightened up as if he realized something.

"You are the girl who kept our guy on his toes for the past few days" he announced. A blush crept to my cheek, obviously embarrassed.

"Yeah, I guess so" I mumbled shyly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. He laughed at my reaction and I blushed more.

"We should get going," Logan said. "I'll catch up with you tonight," Logan said to Patrick who nodded his head in reply.

"It was good meeting you finally, Karolia" Patrick smiled at me and I nodded my head. He came forward to hug and I wrapped my hands around his back awkwardly, standing on my toes to hug him back. Geez, these people are so tall!

"It's fun to see him getting all worked up because of you" Patrick whispered in my ears. I grimaced slightly.

"I'm sure he already planned to murder me," I said to him faintly, pulling back from the hug.

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