45. Miss you Already

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Karolia's POV:

The tension in the car was so thick that I could cut it with a knife. I didn't even have to turn my head and look at Logan to know there was a crease between his brows, his lips were pulled down into a deep frown, and knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. Logan was driving me back home as we left the ball half an hour before. Getting a lot of attention from the couples around us, Logan dragged me from the dance floor as soon as the barbie doll stormed off. We soon left the place, not even waiting for dinner. I protested a lot telling I'll go back with Tyler but it was in vain.

I'm angry at him for not informing me about the change in his date. I know he won't take me as his date at any cost for this ball, but I'm angry and confused why he took Mr. Adam's daughter who I felt like she's trying to win Logan's heart. It wasn't mandatory to bring a date, at least that's what I understood from the invitation card. He had an option to go partner-less, but he didn't choose that. But my anger is nothing compared to his. He is furious with me. Well, you know the reason......

"You lied," he finally said, breaking the tense atmosphere.


"You came to this ball when I specifically asked you not to,"

"It was necessary," I said softly.

"No, it wasn't. I told you I will handle this, but you didn't listen." He snapped. Anger boiled in my blood, making me grind my teeth together, but decided to keep my mouth shut.

"You disobeyed me, Karolia," he said, stopping the car in front of my apartment.

"I had to. You didn't allow me to come." I snapped back.

"I didn't allow because you are not safe in Olivier's presence and you know that more than me. You don't know Olivier as much as I do. He's not someone to play around with." I scowled at him, more anger bubbling in my veins at his comment.

"I can take care of myself, Logan. I'm done being scared of him. I have to fight back and I need to know the real reason why he killed my parents. I need to know who this boss is, that has some vengeance towards my family."

"I know you want answers, and I said I will help you get it. Then why? Why do you have to go behind my back and do something dangerous?"

"You might be my boyfriend, but that doesn't mean you can control my life, Logan. I'm doing what feels right to me and this is right. I need justice for my parents and for that I'm ready to go to any extent, even if it puts my life in danger." I yelled, finally having enough from him.

"So what about me? Do you think I'll be alright if something happens to you? What about the others who care for you, Lia? I'm protective of you because I don't think I can handle it if something happens to you. You're the best thing that happened to me after my mom. I'm not ready to give up on that. Not now, not ever." he said in a firm tone looking deeply into my eyes with anger. My heart clenched tightly, moved by his words. I don't think he had ever confessed something like this to me before. It made me realize how much I mean to him. Even though he sounded angry, I knew that deep down he was pleading with me to listen to him.

I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned towards him, cupping his face in my hands. He closed his eyes and leaned into my touch, pressing a lingering kiss on my palm. He had removed his mask during the journey, but I didn't as my mind was occupied with different thoughts.

"You won't lose me, Log. No one can snatch me away from you. You're everything to me and now I won't function properly without you. But you need to understand. I want answers and Olivier has answers for my every question. This is my fight and I want to do this alone, so please don't stop me from this, Logan. This is important to me." I said as a traitorous tear fell down from my eyes, sliding down my mask.

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