19. Reunion

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Logan's POV

The starlight cloth that runs all over the ceiling of the huge room, that was the assembly hall back in our high school days and the LED uplighters attached at the bottom of the four walls enclosing the room gives a dramatic effect, kicking up this 'High School Reunion 2014' to next level.

I stare blankly at the blue lagoon that I have in my hand trying to get the image of Karolia out of my mind. I can still remember the wonderstruck look she had on her face when she saw me in a black satin tuxedo, the way her eyes discreetly followed me when I was leaving for the party with Natasha. It's been two hours since the whole reunion had started and I couldn't concentrate on anything due to a brown-eyed girl who kept on passing in my head.

The look of incredulity on her face when I threw her in the pool the previous day was comical. To say that she was mad was an understatement. But I always liked that look on her, the feral look. Her ears always get red when she is angry. I wanted nothing other than to watch her get all red and bossy on me, creepy it may sound but I can't help it.

Also, I do like it when I'm in control too. Like the moment where I was about to lose it when I smelled her amazing scent on the hallway the previous night. She feels so fragile whenever I hold her and yet she has the power to make me lose my mind.

I also saw the look Natasha had when I hugged Karolia in the pool. Initially I thought of kissing her but decided against it when I knew she'd probably slap me if I did so and that might crush my man pride. Getting a slap for kissing without their proper consent is very different from getting a slap for other things.

I know I acted on impulse but I want Natasha to realize I never wanted to lead her into something and she has no right to decide my life anymore. Yes, we had something in the past but mostly it was purely business. I decided to date her, who is also the daughter of the CEO of KMCA Automobiles, to get some contracts by some multinational companies and to strengthen my business. I made my intentions clear to her as well and she was happy to oblige. But I broke it off once I learned I cannot love her as she wants me to. We are good childhood friends but for me it was nothing more than that.

Natasha was reluctant but slowly she accepted my decision. I never understood the whole 'having true feelings for someone' thing, until a certain brown-eyed girl entered my life. She made me question all the norms and beliefs I had and still doesn't fail to do it. There is something in that frail girl that makes me want to be good, good for her. I just hope this is just an infatuation and this whole feeling will be gone soon.

I scan the room trying to get rid of the unknown ache in my heart that appeared for some reason and watched Patrick approach me from afar.

"Hey man," He fist-bumped and sat on the stool beside me and placed his phone on the table. "How's the party?"

"Good" I nodded, taking a sip from my glass. "But not my type" I chuckled, looking at the decoration again. I always prefer simple decoration. Patrick laughed with me.

"Can you believe Daniella already has five kids and is expecting another soon?" Patrick said in disbelief and our eyes automatically zeroed to her who was standing a few distances from us and talking to Matt, her hand on her huge protruding belly.

"She was the only one in our batch who hated physical relationship" he chuckled.

"People change" I say "Like how you become all softie in front of Scarlet" I said to him, winking at him playfully.

Patrick bit his lip, fighting a smile. "She was pretty pissed when I told her I cannot take her to the reunion. She was almost about to bite my head off because I made her buy a dress for this function, but thankfully I called Nat yesterday and she said only batch mates are invited" Patrick said, shaking his head.

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