50. Surprise!

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"Happy Birthday Karrie!, happy birthday to you...happy-"

"Ughh" I groaned loudly and threw a pillow at the object from where the annoying sound was coming.

"Whoa," a familiar deep male voice chuckled.

"Rise and shine, birthday girl." the same annoying voice yelled. I realized the sound was coming from a phone.

"Bug off, Scar" I yelled back and covered my head with a pillow, trying to embrace my sleep again.

"I'll wake her up and call you guys later". After a few seconds, something heavy landed on top of me emitting an oomph from my lips and snatched the pillow from my hand. I let out a loud groan and opened an eye to see Logan grinning down at me, his muscular arms on either side of my head supporting half of his body weight.

"5 more minutes, please?" I pleaded, wanting to go back to sleep again. He chuckled and pressed a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"How about I give this..." He dipped his head low and pressed his soft lips on mine. He stayed still, giving me time to process. When I began to respond to him, he kissed me passionately. A kiss that made my toes curl and insides clench in a good way.

"Now I'm definitely awake" I mumbled in euphoria against his lips and he laughed loudly. With one last peck, he pulled back.

"Happy birthday, beautiful," he cooed while I was gasping for breath. My thoughts were scrambled and hazy. How can he look so collected after that mind-blowing kiss while I look like a fish gasping for air?

"T-Thank you" I finally managed to say. He chuckled and kissed both my cheeks.

"You drive me crazy, babe. Crazy enough for me to do this," he said and rolled over to lay beside me and tucked his arms under his head. My mouth was hanging open as my eyes roamed around the room, taking in the surroundings. Balloons!

The entire room was filled with balloons, on the walls, on the floor, on the door, and whatnot. Balloons were in different shapes, sizes, and colors. I didn't notice this before as my focus was solely on my boyfriend.

"Wow" I breathed out, overwhelmed by the surprise. "You did this all?" I asked him, still in shock. Somehow, picturing Logan blowing balloons and tying them made me crack a smile. This is the first time someone took this much effort and time to celebrate my birthday. Sure, I have got a fair amount of gifts and surprises for my birthday from my family and old friends. But this overruled all of that.

"Yeah, but I asked little help from the guards as well," Logan replied. Burst with joy, I threw myself on top of him and hugged him tightly, repeating 'thank you' over and over.

"This is amazing," I remarked, my eyes glowing with excitement.

"This is just the beginning. Rest of the surprises are on the way,"

"Log, you didn't have to-"

"Oh shut it. I intend to make this day special and memorable for you." Being confident, I leaned forward and captured his lips on mine. My hands tugged his waist down, closer to me as he deepened the kiss. Blood pumped fast in my body, my skin engulfed my scorching flames and sparks. Tingling sensation in my stomach grew bigger and bigger and I let out a small groan of pleasure. I pulled back to fill my lungs with much-needed oxygen.

"How come I didn't wake up when you were doing all this?" I was a bit confused.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, love, but you sleep like a pig." he said with amusement in his eyes.

"Hey, rude." I punched his arm lightly out of embarrassment. I groaned covering my face with my hands. Logan pulled my hands back and kissed me sweetly.

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