42. Masquerade Ball - I

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"Hey, Karrie. I hope everything is set for tonight." Scarlet's chirpy voice came through the other line of the phone. I let out a sigh before dropping myself on the bed. My mind was constantly playing tricks with me. At some point, I was pretty sure our plan will work out and I'll be able to gather as much information possible from Olivier about my parent's murder. But right now, I'm not having that much confidence to go on with this plan.

"I don't know," I mumbled in a strained voice.

"What do you mean 'you don't know'?" Scarlet asked. I could hear her rummaging through something from the other side. Guess she is getting ready for the ball whereas I'm still in a dilemma. I took a shaky breath and clenched my eyes tightly before opening.

"I don't know whether I can do this, Scar. What if our plan doesn't work? I can't risk yours and Tyler's life because of me." I said as my eyesight became blurry. I held my breath as the other line went silent for a moment before Scarlet spoke up.

"Listen here, Karrie. This is our only chance. We've to find the real culprits of your parent's death and you need to be strong for this. You can't let your fear consume your mind and soul right now. If you don't do this, you are only going to regret not taking this chance for the rest of your life"

"You want justice for your parents' death, those bastards should suffer hell, that should be your only motto now." Her voice became sharp and harsh. Her words were what knocked my senses. So many scenarios came to my mind like a slideshow -the bullet being fired at mom's head, the last pleading look in her eyes, dad's lifeless body on the floor, that cat-green eyed man with a pistol in his hand, an evil smirk playing on his lips.

I took a deep loud breath. When I reopened my eyes, there was a new determination in my eyes. This is what I want. This is what I've been longing for months. I can't miss such a golden opportunity because of my fear.

Justice for my parent's death and Revenge.

We ended our conversation shortly after we exchanged a few plans and ideas. By the time I finished showering, it was half-past 5. Tyler said he would pick me at 7.30, which means I've exactly 2 hours to dress up. I applied my favorite scented body lotion all over myself before slipping into my black lacy undergarments. I blow-dried my hair and straightened it before tying it in a high ponytail with a black satin ribbon. Scarlet gave me lessons on how to put makeup for 1 hour in the morning. To be short, it was more boring than economics class! I swear I was about to fall flat on the floor if Scarlet didn't smack my head with a makeup brush.

I applied face primer and dabbed a small amount of foundation all over my face. I applied dark smokey eyeshadow on my eyes. I then pulled out a lash curler from Scarlet's makeup suitcase which she had to lend me saying that she had one extra for herself. Yes! She has two suitcases full of makeup products.

I laid the curler against my eyes and pressed my lashes, following by putting mascara. I then applied blush on my cheeks, highlighter, and coated my lips with dark red lipstick. Finally, I spread some light silver glitter on my eyes and then finished the makeup by spraying moisture mist all over my face to keep my face fresh and healthy throughout the night. I still doubted whether I was doing everything in the right way since this was all new for me.

I then slipped into my dress. I decided to go with a black rhinestone necklace with matching earrings, along with a pearl bracelet. I smiled in satisfaction as soon as I stared at my reflection. I look...different. The reflection that's staring back at me isn't the same one from two hours back. The woman standing in front of me looks bolder, daring, and breathtaking. It's about time to bring out the badass girl buried inside me. Tonight, you're gonna see another version of Karolia.

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