04 | wrong place

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I have to admit that I was stupid for not returning Cal's jacket the moment we arrived at our house, but my mind was blank at that time, I couldn't remember this simple thing

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I have to admit that I was stupid for not returning Cal's jacket the moment we arrived at our house, but my mind was blank at that time, I couldn't remember this simple thing.

Now that I look up at the bar again in front of me, a sigh of frustration leaves my lips.

On this bright Sunday afternoon, the place is opened as well. Going here at night would only mean another trouble, so I've decided to come here at this hour -- I hope that this place is safer during the daytime.

With hesitance, I push through the door and travel my eyes around. Thankfully, the place isn't crowded like the last time I went here. It's rather deserted now.

I approach the bartender carefully, holding Cal's jacket in my arms. "Excuse me," I start. "Is Cal here? I forgot to return something to him."

The bartender stares at me for a while before her eyebrows shoot up. She then throws me a knowing look. "Ah, the girlfriend," her voice sounds mocking somehow. "He's upstairs at the studio. He didn't tell you?" There's a hint of sarcasm.

"Thanks," I say politely nonetheless, but while I'm about to continue my steps, she speaks again.

"You may not like what you'll find in there," she says, and when I stare at her in confusion, there's only a look of pity crossing her expression.

I frown, heading upstairs, just like she told me to. While I'm walking up the stairs, my gaze darts on the photos hanging on the wall showcasing various bands, among which are Nirvana and Guns n Roses.

I reach the second floor and notice how the corridor is dim-lit even though it's daytime. The tinted windows are all shut. The overall atmosphere of this place is still dark even in the middle of broad daylight.

So there's a music studio here above the bar downstairs. I guess that the band practices their songs here regularly.

Just when my legs lead me around the corner, I find a sight that makes my eyes widen in surprise. There before me, I see Cal leaning against the wall with a short-haired girl in his arms, shoving their tongues into each other's mouth.

Uh oh.

My pulse quickens as I abruptly hide behind the wall, placing my palm on my chest. Oh, God, what did I just see?

Come on, Mia. It's just two people making out. Your poor innocent eyes just have to get used to it.

"What are you gonna do later tonight, Cal?" the girl asks softly. "You're supposed to be free, right? There's no schedule for the band tonight."

"I don't know," Cal says. "I plan to work on some new songs. Who knows we may win the next gig."

The girl chuckles. "Come on," she teases, and I can imagine her pushing her body against his even though I'm not seeing it. "You can't possibly think that the band would make it that far with that kind of song. You take it too seriously when it comes to music. It's funny."

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