49 | someone from the past

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Please make sure that you've read Chapter 48 first (Dead Inside).


I try to ignore the disgusted look from the customers while I'm working at the restaurant

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I try to ignore the disgusted look from the customers while I'm working at the restaurant. As usual, on this Saturday morning, this place is quite packed with people having lunch with their family and friends.

Most of the glares I get come from girls, some of whom are new customers, and I wonder if they come here just to find out about me, Amelia Davis, who has just been kicked out of Cal Jackson's penthouse. Any fans would have been enraged if they knew that their beloved idol was getting stalked to that extent.

Unfortunately, I still have to show up at work because I need the money. How would Mom and I pay the rent if I didn't get my salary this month?

I can still choose to not go to campus, but I still have to go to work. I should be grateful that Mrs. Garcia still allows me to work here despite what she saw on the news, ignoring the fact that it would affect her customers.

I'm trying my best to live even though I'm dead inside.

A soft sigh leaves my lips while I'm cleaning the table. Their whispers echo again in my ears.

"She's a crazy bitch."

"She looks so innocent, though. Who would have thought that she's a lunatic behind that deceiving look?"

"So sad. She should go to a psychiatrist for having such an unhealthy obsession. Geez, it's so scary. I'm having goosebumps on my skin."

Their words mean nothing to me compared to Cal's words. Why should I care about what they believe when the man I love doesn't even want to believe me?

When I enter the kitchen to wash the dishes, Mrs. Garcia is there, monitoring the staff. She has a worried look on her face when she finds me, and I feel like crying.

I place the dishes at the counter and approach her. "I'm sorry for bringing such negativity into this place. I can't thank you enough for still letting me work here."

Mrs. Garcia gently holds my hand in hers and shakes her head, a sad smile on her lips. "Mia," she starts, and I can hear the sympathy in her voice. "I don't care about the news, my dear. You've been working diligently, and you've been doing your job well. That's all I care about."

Her kindness brings tears to my eyes. I'm thankful that she doesn't judge me. She pulls me into a hug, and I hug her back, grateful that I still have these people around me who still support me while I'm going through this hard time.

When we pull away, she lets out a soft sigh and pats me gently on the shoulder.

While I'm washing the dishes, I can't help but think about how I still have the strength to keep going. I have no other choice but to be strong, and I wonder if this is what Cal felt all those years ago when I left him in the dark.

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