Epilogue - Part 1

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The crowd roars as I finish my last performance on the stage

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The crowd roars as I finish my last performance on the stage. My chest heaves up and down as I shoot my arm in the air. The audiences go wild, all of them, all the way up to the highest tribunes. This reaction makes me believe that I've just given them one of the most phenomenal moments in their lives. It feels fucking good that they can get the satisfaction they deserve.

I step back into backstage, and Dean nods in approval, a grin on his face as he pats my shoulder proudly.

Owen gives me a fist bump. "That was marvelous."

I laugh, glad that my hard work pays off. Tour can be stressful with the strict training schedules, promotion activities, and travels. Not a few celebrities end up in rehabilitation.

Strangely, I don't feel stressed at all. In fact, I feel much happier than the way I've been for the past two years.

My eyes scan the backstage area, but before I can ask the question, Owen beats me, "She's in your dressing room." My bodyguard knows me so damn well that he didn't have to ask what I was looking for.

After conquering tonight's performance, there's only one person I can't wait to see.

I open the door to my dressing room. As soon as I step inside and close the door behind me, I spot my girlfriend sleeping on the sofa bed. I sigh as a small smile touches my lips. It has almost reached midnight -- Amy must have been tired.

Even though I told her that she could wait at the hotel, she opted to come here with me. She ignored her jetlag, saying that she wanted to make the most of her time during her semester break to spend time with me.

I prefer to be with her all the time too. Fuck. I'm obsessed with my girlfriend.

I stride toward her and watch her curled up with a peaceful sleeping face. No matter where I am, seeing her makes me feel like I'm home, because she's my home.

The sight of her makes all the pressures this celebrity life has thrown upon me lifted off my shoulders and the tiredness on my body gone. How can I feel such at ease with just staring at her like this?

Now that I think about it, lying down on this sofa bed with her in my arms sounds like a good idea after all the draining activities I've done today.

Carefully, I settle myself down behind her, spooning her. I savor her sweet signature scent and breathe on her shoulder. The closer I am to her, the more I feel calm and contented.

Shit. My eyelids suddenly feel so heavy. I want to sleep here with her even though I know that Dean wouldn't be happy with that idea. We have to get out of this building soon before the reporters block the way.

I hear someone barge in through the door, but my eyes are already closed.

"Cal." Dean's voice.

Silence creeps in. I expect him to say more, but I'm too tired to open my eyes and move from this position. Besides, I don't want to wake Amy up. 

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