12 | concert

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Although it still seems surreal, the best day of my life indeed happens as one of my favorite bands in the world appears on the stage

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Although it still seems surreal, the best day of my life indeed happens as one of my favorite bands in the world appears on the stage. The crowd roars as Alex Turner, the vocalist, greets us.

"Oh my God." I gape at the unbelievable view before me while the music blasts through the sound system.

Cal and I are standing in the festival area, and I can't complain about that. At all. In fact, this is the best spot he could secure for us. This is better than the tribunes or the VIP seats, because there's nothing I want to do now but jump.

I snap my head toward Cal, who is staring at me instead. Even though he has a smirk on his face, his eyes are soft, locked to me, as though he's drinking the happiness I've been emitting since we step into the stadium.

A burst of giggle escapes from my lips, and I can't help but hug him tightly, making him startled. He looks taken aback when we pull away.

Maybe I'm being too touchy, but really, I feel like a five years old girl going to Disneyland for the first time. No, this is even better than that.

The concert is phenomenal. Those guys on the stage really know what they're doing. Without realizing it, I'm already singing along with everybody else.

I glance at Cal, who isn't singing at all, watching the band as he tosses me a glance once in a while. I'm surprised that he doesn't mock me about how bad I sing, considering how good he is at that.

I don't fucking care about anything else in the world. Alex Turner is singing right in front of me now. The whole world can tell me to shut up and I still won't listen to them.

I laugh when Alex throws a joke toward the audience, and when I shift my gaze to Cal, he's laughing too, turning his head toward me. My heart does something stupid again. It skips a beat, not bothering to care if I die.

The sight of Cal laughing is too mesmerizing that I don't even remember why I was laughing in the first place. Alex must have said something funny -- yes, he sure did -- but I forget about that in an instant.

When the band starts their fifth song entitled 'Are You Mine', I squeal. The crowds go crazy around us. Some people standing in front of us start to jump that they block my view a little bit.

"You wanna sit on my shoulders?" Cal asks.

I stare at him with a lost expression. Did he just say that he would put me on his shoulders?

He's tall, so he doesn't have any problem with the people in front of us, while here I am, struggling to get the perfect view. I know that I'm so small compared to him, but I can't say that I weigh as light as a feather.

Cal chuckles when I still don't give him any answer. Without waiting for my response, he bends down to the ground and pulls me to sit on his shoulders, making me yelp.

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