07 | new girl

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Hi guys, since it's a double update, please make sure to read the previous chapter (Meet Me Again) before reading this one :) I hope you enjoy the story.


Days pass quickly, and I'm now sitting at this table inside the bar where Cal is performing with his band

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Days pass quickly, and I'm now sitting at this table inside the bar where Cal is performing with his band. As he said, this place is better than the previous one. The customers and staffs are not creepy, and there's no smoke of cigarettes puffing in the air or suffocating my lungs.

And now, I'm not alone. I'm with Keisha.

The new comfortable atmosphere makes me enjoy the performance even more, and I must say that Cal absolutely kills it again.

He has this amazing voice that captivates the whole audience. He fills the music with his character, and it feels like a breath of fresh air. He's gifted because not everybody can do that.

I notice a group of girls swooning over him at another table when Keisha's voice echoes beside me, "Damn, girl, no wonder that you can't get him out of your mind. He's the death of every woman."

She smirks, while I raise my eyebrows in question. "Who said that I couldn't get him out of my mind?"

Keisha shakes his head. Her smile speaks a thousand words. "I'm your best friend, Mia. I know when you're thinking about a guy, and trust me, you haven't done so for a long long time."

I scoff and turn my attention back to the stage where Cal is singing. Now that I think about what Keisha said, I must admit that I rarely experience something exciting in terms of my relationship with the opposite gender.

The guys I was interested in had never been more than just crushes, and I don't think that it's going to change soon.

"Don't tell me that you haven't noticed how many times Cal checked you out since he stepped onto that stage," Keisha teases, and I bite my lower lip.

Is he really?

I don't know if Keisha is telling the truth because I'm the worst when it comes to body language. I can't even maintain eye contact with the guy I like.

When Cal starts the next song, his eyes meet mine. My breath catches in my throat. Again, I look down, slurping my iced tea.

"See?" Keisha's laughter fills my ears, and I feel my cheeks heat up.

By the time the band finishes their last song, the temperature of the room has risen significantly. It's really getting hot in here. This is absolutely strange for me because I usually feel cold, not hot. It's ridiculous how Cal's gaze makes me feel this way.

The band starts to pack their instruments while Keisha shifts uncomfortably in her seat. Cal locks his gaze on me and steps down from the stage. I swallow as he strides toward me.

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