52 | facing the truth

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Hi guys, sorry for the delay. Thank you so much for your continuous support, and again, I'm sorry that I couldn't reach out to each and every one of you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading, voting, and commenting on this book as well as following me and reaching out to me to share your thoughts. I love you all so much ❤



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I drag my legs closer to the thing that reminds me again that my sister is no longer in this world. My heart feels heavy every time I visit this place, but I can't deny the longing inside me.

With flowers in my hand, I approach Jasmine's grave. My bodyguard, Owen, follows close behind me. The afternoon breeze blows through my skin, and I inhale the air of my hometown.

Yes, I'm back in Florida. I'm back here to visit Jasmine's grave again. After the chaos that has happened recently, I'm here in my hometown again to think about everything, no matter how painful it is.

Even until today, this graveyard is the only place I step my feet into every time I'm back in Florida. I still refuse to go to the other places that would only remind me of the past.

I don't go to Gordon's bar, I don't see the beach, and I don't even go back to my old apartment. My mind has blocked everything else related to my past.

I bend down onto the ground and put the flowers on the grave. My eyes water as I stare at my sister's name. She shouldn't be here. She should still be with me, laughing, having the best time of her life. I would bring her with me to travel the world. There are so many things I haven't got the chance to give her, things she deserved.

If I hadn't left her that day, she would have been alive, breathing. I was so worried about Amelia that I didn't know that my sister was hurting, that she was sick. That she was waiting for me to come back home.

The breeze blows again, the sound of the leaves moving from the trees filling the air. Everything else is silent, except for the sound of me sobbing on the ground. My heart bleeds all over again, while my tears won't stop flowing.

I'd thought that I'd already been dead inside, that I'd become immune to pain, but when I saw Amelia again, everything crumbled. I'd lost myself again.

It's hard, Jasmine. It's really hard to see her again. It brought so much pain.

What should I do, Jasmine? What do I do?

I squeeze my eyes shut, and more tears fall onto the ground. My throat hurts so bad, and my hand is shaking as I grip the soil on Jasmine's grave.

I'm sorry, Jasmine.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Tears are streaming down my cheeks when Mr

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Tears are streaming down my cheeks when Mr. Lee finishes the story. I shake my head in denial. My heart feels like being stabbed by a knife.

Jasmine has died. Because of me. Because I asked Cal to be in the park, she's now gone.

"No." I break down, sobbing.

Why did God take her away from us?

There's another big hole in my heart because of losing her, and I can't imagine the pain that Cal had to endure.

Had I met Cal in the park as I'd promised him, all of this wouldn't have happened.

The lump in my throat is getting bigger as I remember how I'd run to him, how I'd tried my best to be with him.

But all my efforts were in vain. 

Mr. Lee has tears in his eyes too. His voice is hoarse as he says, "I know that it's tragic, but I thought that you should know what happened to Cal. Jasmine's death was a huge blow to me too. I wish I could have helped them more." He wipes under his eyes, and I notice how vulnerable this old man is.

He came all the way from Florida to see me. He must have been looking for me during these past two years.

"Before Jasmine collapsed in front of me, she had this letter in her hand," Mr. Lee says, dragging the white envelope closer toward me.

My hand is shaking as I take the envelope from him. Breathing feels extremely hard now, after knowing how bad my family and I have destroyed Cal.

"When Jasmine came out of their apartment after hearing me fumbling for my keys, I was shocked," Mr. Lee says. "I'd thought that she was asking for my help because she was in pain. But after she died, I couldn't help but think that she was also begging me to pass this letter to you."

My eyes zoom in on the small handwriting on the back of the envelope. My vision has gotten so blurry that I have to wipe the tears in my eyes.

To: Amelia
(Please don't tell Cal)

"This letter was the last wish she asked me to fulfill before she died. She wanted me to pass it to you," Mr. Lee says. "I just couldn't hand this to Cal because she'd stated there that you're the only one who can read the letter."

The envelope is still sealed, the letter untouched.

"The moment I saw you on the news and found out about your workplace, I went here straight away," Mr. Lee says. "I had to finish this task, and I'm grateful that I've finally found you, Amelia."

My lips tremble as I stare at him. I'm aware that Mr. Lee had to endure this burden for two years, because he wouldn't just live in peace until he found me after knowing that this letter was so important to Jasmine.

"I know that this is too much to take, and it's hurting me too to tell you this story." His eyes soften, still brimming with tears. "You can open the letter whenever you're ready. You don't have to read it now."

Indeed, it would hurt so much to read it, to read the last thoughts of the person who died because of me.

"Please." My sob breaks again. "I want to see her. I want to see Jasmine."

My entire body is shaking with agony. Right now, I can only think about Cal and Jasmine. Everything else doesn't matter.

"Please bring me to her."

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